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A Call for Papers- Gender, Sexuality, and Poverty

In case anyone's interested (the Women's Center at Haverford just received the email, and I thought someone might be interested in submitting a last minute paper...)
Call for Papers: "Gender, Sexuality, and Poverty"
2012 Women's Studies Conference
sponsored by the Central Pennsylvania Consortium
Saturday, March 31, 2012
8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Gettysburg College, Gettysburg PA
The Central Pennsylvania Consortium (CPC), comprised of Dickinson, Franklin and Marshall, and Gettysburg Colleges, sponsors an annual conference on women's studies. The theme of the 2012 conference, held at Gettysburg College in Gettysburg, PA, is "Gender, Sexuality, and Poverty."
The issue of poverty is particularly relevant in these times of global economic crisis, and scholars in women’s and gender studies are interrogating how gender hierarchies, gender identity and expression, as well as sexual orientation, intersect with political economic processes to shape people’s opportunities and access to resources. They also explore how poverty shapes women’s and men’s gendered lives in many forms. We solicit papers on topics relevant to this theme and we especially welcome papers that focus on people and topics outside of the United States. Broad themes we hope to discuss at this conference include, but are not limited to:
- globalization, neoliberalism and poverty;
- current and past economic crises;
- institutional and structural reproduction of class;
- media representations of poverty;
- gendered economics;
- feminist and queer critiques of poverty;
- policy implications;
- theoretical, practical, and enacted responses and solutions to combat poverty.
Papers may focus on such topics as women's and girls’ experiences with poverty as workers, partners, mothers, daughters; poverty and LGBTI Youth; feminization of poverty; poverty and sexual identities and practices; globalization, sex work, and sex tourism; occupational segregation and wage gaps; agency in the context of poverty; connections between gender, sexuality, race and class identity performances and institutionalized identities; gender, immigration and poverty; the state and welfare policies; poverty and cultural/social capital; the new “culture of poverty” theory and its critics; poverty, individualism and community; gender, poverty, food, and health; gender, poverty and the environment; experiences and approaches to ending poverty; individual, family and community responses; innovative responses by governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations; the limits of the law and a rights-based approach; collective action and other forms of activism nationally and globally, among other sites of inquiry and experience.
We welcome proposals ~ individual presentations and panels ~ from across the disciplines and interdisciplines, including the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. We particularly encourage undergraduate and graduate students to submit proposals.
Please submit a one-page (250 words) proposal.
Include: presenter’s name(s) and title(s), title of paper, name of institution or office, email address, and phone number
Deadline: no later than December 1, 2011
Submit to: Kathy Missildine, Executive Assistant to the Central PA Consortium
More details about the conference, including online registration, will follow in February. There is no cost for the conference, and lunch is provided. Presenters are responsible for their travel and lodging expenses.