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Geis Student Research on Women Conference

Geis Student Research on Women Conference
Open to the Member Institutions of the Greater Philadelphia Women's Studies Consortium
Saturday, April 28, 2012 University of Delaware
The Geis Student Research on Women Conference invites submissions by students attending institutions in the Greater Philadelphia Women's Studies Consortium who have done research on women or gender issues. The thirteen institutions of the Consortium include:
- Bryn Mawr College
- Drexel University
- Haverford College
- LaSalle University
- Rosemont College
- Saint Joseph’s University
- Swarthmore College
- Temple University
- University of Delaware
- University of Pennsylvania
- Ursinus College
- Villanova University
- West Chester University
The conference is open to female and male students, at either the undergraduate or the graduate level. Group-authored projects are acceptable. Faculty help and advice are assumed, but the paper must be entirely student-written. All papers will be reviewed, and acceptance will be based on excellence and relevance of the research to women and/or gender issues. Past winners are encouraged to submit new work for presentation but are not eligible for awards.
To Submit Papers mail to:
Geis Student Research on Women Conference
Department of Women's Studies
34 W. Delaware Ave.
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
or fax to: 302 831-4341
Entries must be post-marked by Friday, April 6, or they must be delivered to the office by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, April 9, 2012.
Please include a cover sheet with the following information:
- Your name the title of your paper
- the academic area of your paper (humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences)
- your division (undergraduate or graduate) at the time the paper was completed
- your contact information (mailing address, phone number, and email address)
- institution in which you are currently enrolled (you must still be a student)
- name of the faculty member for whose class you wrote the paper or who advised you during your research and his/her contact information
- any audio/visual needs you will have in case your paper is accepted.
We will notify you of acceptance by email.
Please format your paper as follows:
Papers must be typed, double-spaced, and not more than 30 pages long, including any graphs, tables, illustrations, references, footnotes, or appended material. The copy you submit will not be returned to you. Please DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR NAME on the submitted paper itself, just the title. DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME ON ANY PART OF THE PAPER EXCEPT THE COVER SHEET.
Criteria for acceptance:
- Significance of the topic or conclusion
- Scholarship: adequacy of method, data, analysis, supporting arguments, depth of background research, etc.
- General excellence: clarity of writing, perceptiveness of interpretation
All accepted papers are entered into the competition for the Geis Student Research Awards. There are a total of four awards, two for the Graduate Division and two for the Undergraduate Division. The first place award in each division is $200, and the second place award in each division is $150. These awards are based on the written paper, not on the oral presentation.
If your paper is accepted, you will also receive information about the conference schedule, including your presentation, and directions to the conference site.
Acceptance of a paper automatically grants permission for it to be filed in the University of Delaware's Women's Studies collection after the conference for student and faculty research use. Entering a paper in the conference does not disqualify it for subsequent publication in academic or other journals.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Jessica Schiffman, Department of Women's Studies, University of Delaware, 302-831-1898 or