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Learning to Write for No One

Jessica Bernal
ESEM-Play in The City
Learning to Write for No One
When I crawl out of bed in the morning and start getting dressed to start a new day, it always takes me a while to step out and walk among society. One step in can cause a whole stir of thoughts, ideas, and judgments based on what I think I am. I put into a lot of thought about what the jeans and oversized shirt may say about me on that particular Monday morning. What I wear on a particular day represents who I am that day, how I wish to present myself for people to form their own ideas and perspectives… at least I used to think that way.
I came into this course with the mentality of writing and presenting myself for others to reach a consensus of approval. I surveyed around for the all agreeing and pleasing nods when really it had nothing to do with how smart I tried to appeal in my writing or present my thoughts in class. By taking this course, Play in The City, I’ve come to grasp and embrace my thoughts and express them through writing for no one in particular but myself, for my enjoyment in my choice of critical play in my own voice.
In class after receiving our first papers back, Anne asked, “ Who are you writing this for? Were you trying to write to me? ” And everyone silently scooted back into their seats starring blankly at each other without speaking what majority probably had in mind, “Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? ” Throughout all my previous English courses and any writing assignments, I’ve always taken a case and wrote with a voice that fit each individual assignment or class. Like I had taken a while to choose my outfit for the day to present myself, I had also learned to take a while before approaching a writing assignment in order to find the right voice to please the teacher of my ability. All that hard work throughout those years for one day someone basically saying “Stop. We know you can B.S. this but now we really want you to please try and answer the question by saying what YOU think, YOUR take.”
I really enjoy the one on one meeting’s with the professors because not only do I get to discuss my chosen ideas on that week’s assignment but also within those thirty minutes I get a chance to challenge and explore more of my voice and ideas in my writing. It’s a nice way of making sure I’m still having fun swinging comfortably in my sentences without feeling the need to come to a complete halt.
With time, I feel more comfortable expressing my thoughts on any discussing matter in class as an impulse. As before I would wait and try to think of a way to sound proper in order to give some sense of proof that I am a smart when really it could be said and done with in less time and allow for my classmates to take a stab at it as well. It’s fun to play critically with the ideas of others and take insight into other people’s perspectives. But if anything could be improved in this course, I would push for more a bit more input from a few of my classmates into the class discussions. Not only does it help me learn about your perspective but also helps me take insight into thinking about a subject in another point of view, something we can all benefit from.
The Play in The City course was a class I chose to stay in because I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed. I was indeed intimidated because I knew I would be challenged to have to really demonstrate who I am and portray my voice through my assignments, but I’m finding my way and slowly but surely learning to write for no one in particular.