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Artist Profile: S. Damary Burgos

The Brain Constructing the World
A collaboration between Serendip and Painted Bride Art Center,
associated with the Synesthesia exhibit, April 3rd - May 16th 2009


S. Damary Burgos


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Artist profile

Damary Burgos is a prolific artist whose paintings, mixed media and installation pieces find their inspiration in personal concerns (cultural, environmental, social, etc.) which become political when shared collectively.

Graduating from the High School for Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) in Philadelphia; and studying Arts and (k-8) Elementary Education (BA) at Antioch College in Ohio; she decides to return to her homeland, Puerto Rico. Since the completion of her graduate studies (MFA) at the Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, she is currently a professor of Fine Arts at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico in Ponce.

She continues to explore the concept of Terrazos, a multi-media installation which explores the unique sensibility and perception of children- challenging us to rescue our own as adults. The installation involves the spectator in a sensorial dialogue while posing questions about human development in a society that actively desensitizes its citizens. Her latest endeavor is a project entitled Pazarte Musical, a meddling of the senses in which a new painting installation of evolving Terrazos is invaded by live musical interpretations.


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Lester Brown's picture

Hello Damary

Hello Damary...Please find me on Facebook to dicuss about reunion this year

SunnyDay M. Tomlinson's picture

Damary 1991 class reunion

Dear Damary,
Hello. I hope this finds you happy and smiling. I'm not sure if anyone has contacted you yet for our 20 year reunion. We are all putting our input in via Facebook. Hopefully you will get this letter! I think of you often and I can't wait to see how you are. Love and Light, Sunny

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