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Everyone believes what they want to... Right?

SandraGandarez's picture

In class on Thursday we discussed how people have different realities based on their personal interpretations of what is "real". I discussed how I was completely convinced that Randall was the murderer in the Thin Blue Line, and not David. We discussed how this interpretation could have been because David was more personable and charismatic than Randall, and while yes this might be true I feel like I constructed that truth in my mind based on what I interpreted. To me Randall was completely flat in all affect that he showed. He didn't become upset or emotional at all in any interview that was shown and maybe it was just frustration with him retelling his story, but I took it as he was emotionally flat all around. Another thing is that many people immediately noticed that David was in a prison uniform but many didn't notice that Randall was; I was one of those people. Even seeing that David was in a prison uniform did not sway my opinion that Randall was the murderer and I did Randall's uniform but I assumed it was a work shirt of some kind. Those facts were on the periphery of my mind even though I was so focused on my own constructed truth. You would expect that I would be focused on those facts because they strengthen my initial opinion. Regardless, I was not easily dissuaded from that opinion even when David practically confessed to it in the end. This showed me the power of constructed truths and how the only thing that's important is if you believe it, not what other people think.


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