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Mini Project Page 1

Daydreaming Reading this article helped me to see myself as a creative person but is there more to daydreaming than this? Am I becoming a secret creative designer that will actively observe and in my subconscious start to create and report back to my conscious a masterpiece of ideas that will "wow" or go "poof" or is this just another Daydream"?.........This is the point of my mini project to explore the unconscious and conscious resources of the mind and try to use this information to help students learn and think to prepare for the process of life. Read on
Day Dreaming and learning Pro/Con
Reading this article makes you think that daydreamers are the best in everything but when reality sets in does daydreaming really help you learn better. In using this article, I would like to explore how people say they daydream but in actuality they are letting what they learned or interested in settle for awhile in their minds and this allows their unconscious to make up stories to help them relate to the problem and or issue in their life. In a teaching situation how does this help or hurt learning. I am not saying go off and let your students daydream but what about that one special student in your class that always seems disconnected? Are they really? I hope to learn more about what some scientist say that we all need to do each day, daydream.
Day dreaming and open-ended inquiry can they co-exist?, excerpt from Brain and Behavior 2008 institute;.".. Open-ended inquiry depends fundamentally on a continuing engagement of individuals with a process whose outcome is not fully determined in advance. It is only through such an engagement that students will acquire enhanced abilities to acquire, evaluate, and find ways to make sense of information themselves."
In an effort to be more in the conversation, the main point I see is that Understanding what day-dreaming is seems to be a problem: Nou Stuff and A Case Study which ties in with "Nou Stuff"
I am always trying to
I am always trying to understand what something really means and this document gives a simple understanding of what open-enedness should be. I will relate to this meaning with education in the 21st Century!
see mini project page
see mini project page