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CompSci K16 Collaborations Institute - Day 1

Welcome to the on line forum area for the 2008 K16 Collaborations Computer Science Education Summer Institute. This is a place for leaving thoughts that have arisen during the institute sessions, finding thoughts left by others. and continuing conversations about the role of computing in education. Remember to log in with your username and password before posting. Others are welcome to join the conversation, but their comments will be delaying in appearing to prevent spam.
Hai, I have to learn to wrap my brain around many of these Ideas: Starting with computers should be approached for inquiry and not just for answers. Many times our students only get to utilize technology when it's time to research a topic. The computers useing meny students has more.... farverd in computers................
“Must one learn in order to adapt?”- Grobstein
If we take a look at the way evolution functions, the combination of a random change in the individual at a certain time and place work together well to allow that individual to survive. Darwin’s finches did not learn that if their beaks were a little different they would be able to eat different and therefore more types of foods found on different parts of the Galapagos Islands. Similarly, (refuting Lamarckism,) a giraffe did not learn that if they grow their necks, they will be able to reach leaves located higher up on a tree. Most forms of adaptation simply are not performed on a conscious level; randomness is not intentional.
And so the answer to the question Grobstein posed is no; you do not have to learn in order to adapt. Applying this belief to education, it should not be necessary for students to learn by heedlessly memorizing information to change and be capable of passing a standardize examinations and getting an education.
A comment made about the role it should play
One person’s response to third question regarding the web/internet’s role when educating that was made out loud during the class yesterday was "Educate, do not contaminate,” contamination being providing information that is not "true.” There are definitely a lot of issues that arise when utilizing the internet and computer programs for class assignments including accuracy and security that are almost always, unfortunately, unavoidable.
Reality & Virtuality
What are the implications of Education ?
The discussion was begin with this question-
Mr. Paul was providing us the great examples of
Population explsion- that revealed the fact that there is uncertainity regarding the explosion of the population, this is virtuality having pace mwith the reality.
The World of Langton's Ant:Thinking about "Purpose"
we observed that there was no fixed pattern regarding the movement of the ant, then -The line between reality and the virtual is becoming, will continue to become increasingly blurred .
We also discussed about the Disconstruct and Reconstruct the Knowledge.
Also Learn to reconstruct experiences with Students
Students need to acquire increased sophistication in working in the space between reality and the virtual ... in virtuality Computers and virtual worlds have an important role to play in enhancing such sophistication regarding the communication by the educators to their students.
Computer models, like any other subject of exploration, need to be approached as incentives for inquiry rather than as answers , this can be very supporting in achieveing the goals of education.
Virtual Ant Game
Thin Line BEtween Reality and Virtuality
I have to learn to wrap my brain around many of these ideas: starting with computers should be approached for inquiry and not just for answers. Many times our students only get to utilize technology when it's time to research a topic.
The biggest concept that I have to LEARN is that computers and the virtual world do play an important role in education. Actually, I know and believe the importance of the computer's importance to education, now I am working on understanding that kids need to have more time playing in virtual activities to gain their sophistication in technology and constructing thier own truths.
Perception is different from
Teaching and Virtuality
Virtual Living
Living in Virtual World
When I first started teaching, I was introduced to the phrase “It’s a Child’s Truth.” This phrase kept running through my head as Paul was speaking this morning. This made me think of all of my truths that I held onto deeply this school year, and the truths my students held on to, and of course, is that there were times when our realities collided.
In August I will be participating in the Philadelphia Writing Project, which focuses on social justice for students. The theme of “realities” and “social justice” is something I would like to focus on this summer and next school year.
Optical Illusions/Ambiguous Figures/Construction& Deconstruction
The Brain does not tell Reality about the objects,
Brain gives the BEST GUESS
Preassumption by the BRAIN makes the inforamtion AMBIGUOUS
By Construction & Deconstruction things can be made AMBIGUOIS
" Educator can help students by providing more sophisticated information through Informed Guess and by questioning Construction & Deconstruction ideas".
Between reality & virtual: Education in the 21 st Century
What role do computers and the internet/web play in education today?
# provide access tovast information about almost everything
# Fast & Easy solutions of most of the problems
#Time Utility,
#Place Utility,
#Form Utility.
Q-Role willbe played by the Computer in future?
#Communication between Educators and Learners,
# impact,
Effectiveness on Education
Teaching in virtuality
In what ways might the discussion of virtuality impact on your teaching in general? Are there particular approaches/materials used in this discussion that could be adapted for use in your own classroom?
Look over what others have had to say in this forum and comment on any that seem interesting to you. And provide any additional thoughts that you think might be helpful to others.
How are virtuality and
The impact of Virtuality on
The impact of Virtuality on teaching ...This is somewhat confusing.
Using the computer to expose the students to what they might not otherwise see seems to be the perfect application of technology.
Setting up the environment for this application will be challenging for me.
The students will be looking for what they should be doing.
the discussion of virtuality
the discussion of virtuality
Teaching in Virtuality
Teaching in Virtuality
In my reality everything is wonderful and fine but the other realities get in the way of my peaceful existence. I have learned to ignore some of those realities and adjust to others. In education, it is very important to get my students to think out of the box. Adjusting to what my students think is real and important and what I think is real and important can be a challenge but there is always a happy median in my reality, my classroom. Education helps to get my students to that place of peaceful coexistence (sometimes)! This is my story and I am sticking to it!!!
It is necessary to realize
Computers are a tool that
Computers are a tool that students must be able to master in order to meet the demands of today and tomorrow. Such aspects as written communications, research and other educational skills are growing more and more dependent on computers and computer-driver equipment, such as Promethian boards.
It seems that computers will play a greater part in daily life as well as education in the future. Based on the growth of computer usage in business, school and home, I would expect to see computers continue to grow in importance.
In education, as long as we continue to employ many different techniques to reach our children, the computer offers many creative possibilites to teach virtually every subject. Educators must meet the challenge to learn to use technology to the best of their abilities to make it work for all of our children. Those refusing to embrace technology will be left in the past, offering less to themselves as well as the children that they teach.
Living in virtuality
Reality-- a story?
Yes, you are thinking!
Computers and education: starting thoughts
Questions to start
The role of computer use in
The role of computer use in education is enormous in accessing information, in reporting on and documenting student progress and in communicating to parents.
I believe computer use will play an increasingly important role in accessing information, doing research, documenting student progress and in other areas we haven't yet thought about.
Computers should serve as a tool for teachers, students and parents.
Computers and education
Roles of computers in education today:
In the future:
Roles computers should play:
computers role in education/future
1.Faster,current and vast
1.Faster,current and vast information available .It has acces to links all over and can be used for multidisciplinary connections.
2.Role in future :It can save lot of time and can be used anywhere at any time.
3.Computers should be helpul and benefit the students and enrich and enhance their learning skills and capabilities.
Computers in Education
The role of computers in education today depends on where the education is taking place. There is an uneven playing field in education, and especially in the access to technology. Depending on what technology the students have at home, what technology there is at the school and in the school district determines the role of computers etc in today's education.
I hope that technology in the future could level the playing field in education if all districts implemented the use of technology in all classrooms.
Technology should be used in conjunction with traditional teaching methods, and not to replace lectures, reading, writing ect. Students should be able to pay attention to people and books the way they can pay attention to a video game!
What role should they play.
Role of computers
The role of the computer in education today
The computer is an essential part of education today. The cost of textbooks are increasing and funding is decreasing, the computer can be used as a successful tool!
The future of the computer is now! The virtual classroom is already here.
The computer should be used as a tool and not a replacement. Computer has its own flaws.
Personally, I like computers and use them a lot but my students do not always have access to them.
What role should they play?
Questions to start
In education today, I see computers being used for writing, research, games, assessment.(elementary school)
In the future, I see computers being used in place of textbooks, communication between teacher and students, and being more user friendly.
The role they should play should be one of giving access to information to all, showing connections between different topics
What role will they play in the future?
What role will they play in the future?
What role do computers and the internet/web play in education to
What role do computers and the internet/web play in education to