Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!




Encouraging productive interaction among people from diverse perspectives, promoting new and continual exploration of issues relating to mental health and broader issues relating to the body/brain/mind/self, and facilitating the new openings which emerge from the sharing of perspectives.


"People approach issues of mental health from a variety of different perspectives and using a variety of different terminologies. Many people have greatest confidence in "scientific" or "biological" approaches. Others prefer prefer more "holistic", "humanistic", or "social" approaches. People argue about the relative merits of the various perspectives, most characteristically by pointing out the shortcomings of perspectives different from those one favors oneself. Such critiques can be productive but are only a step in a larger task: to develop broader perspectives that can productively incorporate the different useful insights reached from each of a variety of different points of view..." (see Models of Mental Health: A Critique and Prospectus).


On Serendip
Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience: Enemies, Acquaintances, Bedfellows? A Conversation - products of a past panel and discussion; includes on-line forum for continuing exchange.

Making the Unconscious Conscious, and Vice Versa: A Bi-directional Bridge Between Neuroscience/Cognitive Science and Psychotherapy? - "Just as the unconscious and the conscious are engaged in a process of evolving stories for separate reasons and using separate styles, so too have been and will continue to be neuroscience/cognitive science and psychotherapy..."

The Relevance of the Brain for Psychotherapy (and Vice Versa), With Particular Reference to Human Development


Conversations on Serendip
Exploring Mental Health: A Working Group (06-07) at Bryn Mawr College, and associated on-line forum (archived)

The Psychoanalyst and the Neurobiologist: A Conversation About Healing the Soul and Telling Stories of the Mind, Brain, Self, and Culture

The Novelist and the Neurobiologist: A Conversation About Story Telling

The Art Historian and the Neurobiologist: A Conversation About Proprioception, the "I-function", Body Art, and ... Story Telling?


Elsewhere on the web
International Neuro-Psychoanalysis Society

Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience Workshop of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society

The Neurological Origins of Psychoanalysis by Raymond Fancher

The Future of Psychiatry - an article about Eric Kandel

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