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Current Materials relating to Mental Health





Encouraging productive interaction among people from diverse perspectives, promoting new and continual exploration of issues relating to mental health and broader issues relating to the body/brain/mind/self, and facilitating the new openings which emerge from the sharing of perspectives.

Current Materials

Articles and references below link to outside web pages and concern current issues relating to mental health. The lists are not intended to cover any one aspect of mental health in depth, but serve rather to highlight unique perspectives and findings of particular interest.

Spring 2011
Being a "co-conspirator" with those with Alzheimer's (Alzheimer's Association Newsletter)

Talk Doesn't Pay, So Psychiatry Turns To Drug Therapy (NY Times)

This Year, Change Your Mind (NY Times)

When Self-Knowledge Is Only the Beginning (NY Times)


Fall 2010
The Truth Wears Off (New Yorker)

Can Preschoolers Be Depressed? (NY Times)

Discovering the Virtues of a Wandering Mind (NY Times)

Becoming Miles: The Journey Of Changing Sexes (NPR)

Spring 2010
Can Animals Be Gay? (NY Times)

Mind Over Meds (NY Times)

The Moral Life of Babies (NY Times)

In Therapy, Cell Phones Ring True (NY Times)

Patient Voices: Autism (NY Times)

Sabotaging Success, but to What End? (NY Times)

Hallucinogens Have Doctors Tuning In Again (NY Times)

Why She Cuts (Newsweek)

Depression's Upside (NY Times)

Doing An About-Face on 'Overmedicated' Children (NY Times)

Just Over Half of Americans Diagnosed with Major Depression Receive Care: More Receive Psychotherapy than Medication; Study Provides New Detail on Disparities (NIMH Science News)

Narrowing an Eating Disorder (NY Times)

The Americanization of Mental Illness (NY Times)

Popular Drugs May Benefit Only Severe Depression, New Study Says (NY Times) and subsequent article, Before You Quit Antidepressants... (NY Times); see also Antidepressant Drug Effects and Depression Severity (JAMA)


Fall 2009
Taking Mental Snapshots to Plumb Our Inner Selves (NY Times)

Poor Children Likelier to Get Antipsychotics (NY Times)

Postpartum Depression Strikes Fathers, Too (NY Times)

Surgery for Mental Ills Offers Both Hope and Risk (NY Times)

Depression's Evolutionary Roots (Scientific American)

Patient Voices: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (NY Times)


Summer 2009
Mental Stress Training Is Planned for U.S. Soliders (NY Times)

Brain Is a Co-Conspirator in a Vicious Stress Loop (NY Times)

Hollow Mask Illusion Fails To Fool Schizophrenia Patients (Science Daily)

Spring 2009
A Life, Interrupted (NY Times)

Tom Girls (This American Life)

Countering the Online World of 'Pro-Anorexia' (NPR)

Children in the Mental Health Void (NY Times)

Abuse is Found at Psychiatric Unit Run by the City (NY Times)

After Abuse, Changes in the Brain (NY Times), see also associated Nature article

For Mother and Child at Risk, Care That Includes a Psychologist (NY Times)

School Recess Improves Behavior (NY Times)

Sex and Depression: In the Brain, if Not in the Mind (NY Times)

My Genome, My Self (NY Times)


Fall 2008
Michael Phelps and the Potential of A.D.H.D. (NY Times)

Combined Therapy Is Reported to Ease Anxiety in Children (NY Times)

When All Else Fails, Blaming the Patient Often Comes Next (NY Times)

Patient Voices: Eating Disorders (NY Times)

Patient Voices: Bipolar Disorder (NY Times)

Playing Role Reversal With My Therapist (NY Times)

See a Pattern on Wall Street? (NY Times)

Bailout Provides More Mental Health Coverage (NY Times)

Psychoanalytic Therapy Wins Backing (NY Times)

Redefining Depression As Mere Sadness (NY Times)

Using Imaging to Look at Changes in the Brain (NY Times)

A Disstenting Voice as the Genome Is Sifted to Fight Disease (NY Times)

Risks Found for Youths in New Antipsychotics (NY Times)

Accomplishing Big Things in Small Pieces (NPR)

The Bipolar Puzzle (NY Times)

Summer 2008
Gene Hunt Hints at Cause of Bipolar Disorder (NY Times)

Gene-Hunters Find Hope and Hurdles in Schizophrenia Studies (NY Times)

Visualizing Schizophrenia (NY Times)

The Bipolar Buddha (The Globe and Mail)

'If this is a disorder, and not me, who am I?' (The Globe and Mail)

Scarred for Life (The Portland Phoenix)

Breakdown: Canada's Mental Health Crisis (The Globe and Mail)


Spring 2008
'Disability can have an up side' (BBC)

Lotus Therapy (NY Times)

Patient Voices: A.D.H.D. (NY Times)

'Mad Pride' Fights a Stigma (NY Times)

Quieting the Demons and Giving Art a Voice (NY Times)

Pain as an Art Form (NY Times)

Who Are We? Coming of Age on Antidepressants (NY Times)

Patterns: Dyslexia as Different as Day and Night (NY Times)

The Murky Politics of Mind-Body (NY Times)

Psychotherapy for All: An Experiment (NY Times)

Is depression good for you? (BBC)

Come on, Get Happy (Philadelphia Weekly)

Selective Publication of Antidepressant Trials and Its Influence on Apparent Efficacy (New England Journal of Medicine)

When Love Is Not Enough (Easy Bay Express)


The Language of Autism (NY Times)

'Have You Ever Been in Psychotherapy, Doctor?' (NY Times)

When Anxiety Is at the Table (NY Times)

A Childs View of Attention Deficit (NY Times)


Spring 2007
Can You Live With the Voices in Your Head? (NY Times)

Her Autistic Brothers (NY Times)

A Small Part of the Brain, and Its Profound Effects (NY Times)

In Rigorous Test, Talk Therapy Works for Panic Disorder (NY Times)


Fall 2006
Alone In Autism (Creative Loafing)

Diary of a Mad Man: Exploring the rights and wrongs of independent life for the mentally ill (Houston Press)

Wanting Babies Like Themselves, Some Parents Choose Genetic Defects (NY Times)

Supporting Boys or Girls When the Line Isn't Clear (NY Times)

Proof Is Scant on Psychiatric Drug Mix for You (NY Times)

One Spoonful at a Time (NY Times)

What's Wrong With a Child? Psychiatrists Often Disagree (NY Times)

A Neuroscientific Look at Speaking in Tonges (NY Times)

If No Icelanders Admit to Feeling Blue, Are They? (NY Times)

In a Land Torn by Violence, Too Many Troubling Deaths (NY Times)

Voices in the head 'are normal' (BBC)

Living With Love, Chaos and Haley (NY Times)

An Analyst Questions the Self-Perpetuating Side of Therapy (New York Times)

Freud Meets Buddha: Therapy for Immigrants; Disorders From the East Emerge Here (New York Times), Making Room on the Couch for Culture (NY Times)

Is Hysteria Real? Brain Images Say Yes (New York Times)

Understanding and Empathy Aren't Enough (New York Times)

To Fight Stuttering, Doctors Look at the Brain (NY Times)

Detecting awarness in the Vegetative State (Science), Mental Activity Seen in a Brain Gravely Injured (NY Times)

Psychiatrist Is Among Five Chosen for Medical Award (NY Times)


In the spirit of Serendip, thoughts, contributions, and ideas for additions/changes are both invited and encouraged. Visitors are welcomed to post comments and thoughts using the form below or may also submit comments directly to Serendip.





aprillexicom's picture


One of my maternal sister is suffering from mental disorder she behaves in a very strange manner.It is like she is fit physically but mentally weak.She is having some pscycological problem me and my family everytime cheers her up and encourages her .Thanks to this site that we understood the real problem of her.


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