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The Impact of Computer Use on Children's Neurological Development

In recent years, our society has been inundated with rapid technological developments particularly when it comes to computers. Sociologists have noted the impact that the increase in computer use could have (and to some degree already has had) on our society as they begin to replace human contact (4). Between 1996 and 1999 alone, the number of homes with internet access doubled (1). On a neurological level, this is concerning because increased computer use may develop habits that strengthen certain areas of the brain and as a result do not allow others to strengthen to their full potential. This is especially concerning when it comes to children because their brains continue to develop through adolescence. In 1999, children were spending an average of 24 minutes more with the computer per day than just one year before (1). How will this technology that previous generations have not been raised with impact the neurological development of children? This paper is an exploration of the habits that computer use reinforces and the impact this has on the development of attention and chemical responses to emotions in the brain.
Attention is developed over the course of many years and occurs in three stages. In order for this to happen it is necessary for the brain to practice activities that hone attention skills. Computers often conflict with these activities that are needed for one to develop the ability to pay attention. The first stage occurs until age seven (4). During this period, children learn how to be selectively attentive. Too much sensory input during this stage can cause children to either tune out this input when it is not necessary to do so or to become “jumpy” and over-stimulated by input that does not warrant that kind of response(4). Computers present a danger during this stage of development because they stimulate multiple senses simultaneously. If exposed to computers too much, children do not have the opportunity to develop the ability to pay attention to one activity. The second stage occurs in later childhood typically between ages seven and nine. This stage is particularly critical because it is when “response organization” is developed. Response organization is the ability to “form a plan and act on it in an organized, efficient manner(4).” Most computer programs do not allow for children to do this. Rather than requiring that they determine the appropriate sequence of steps that must be taken in order to reach a particular goal, the computer has these steps mapped out. Some computer programs provide more opportunities for this development, but the majority does not (4). The last stage of attention development is sustained attention, or the ability to stay focused for a period of time and occurs from age eleven on. This stage is important for teenagers as they continue to groom their ability to focus for long periods of time (2)(4). Again, too much time spent on the computer results infringes on the brain’s chance to gain this crucial skill.
There has been little (if any) hard research on the impact that computers have on attention development, however the nature of computers with multiple sensory inputs implies that they provide too many distractions and over-stimulation. These conditions are not conducive to what children need to develop the neurological base necessary to pay attention. Some argue that computers have merely prompted humans to develop a different kind of focus that emphasizes the ability to multitask rather than just focus on one activity (5). But how much multitasking is too much? There are still situations where people are required to focus for long periods of time on things that are not necessarily of interest to them. After all, not every single college lecture or project at work will be interesting yet it is necessary to be able to pay attention in order to be successful. Neurologists and psychologists have emphasized the importance of the developmental milestones when it comes to attention (4). What will happen when this generation of children is required to use attention skills they have not sufficiently developed? Will our society change to accommodate their lack of skills? Or will we still value those individuals who can pay attention in the traditional sense?
Another important impact that computers have the brain is on chemical responses to emotions. Computer games or even subliminal images cause neurological reactions in humans. There are physical responses to fear, anxiety, or excitement that all humans experience and are unable to control (3). Hormones or chemicals such as adrenaline cause increased heart rate and muscle changes for the fight or flight response. These responses can become an ingrained physical habit if one is repeatedly exposed to computer games--even educational games. “The full effects of such “downshifting” to primitive fight or flight responses are unknown, but they could habituate the brain to a need for “extreme” experience or chronically affect blood pressure”(4). The overuse of computers during development may also cause the prefrontal cortex (which regulates emotion, complex thought, and problem solving (3)) to become idle resulting in a lazy or underdeveloped executive system (4).
The development of these habits has serious implications for future generations. This aspect almost seems more dangerous than a lack of attention skills because it is a physical response that becomes a habit of the body. After all, humans can consciously decide whether to continue working on something that is not particularly interesting, but necessary for them to complete, but they are not able to consciously decide if they should release adrenaline into their system. In this sense, it is important that habits are developed that do not cause children to grow up with these physical responses at inappropriate times.
Given the increased use of computers in schools it is curious that there has not been more research on how computers directly impact brain activity in children. In fact, much of the literature that exists about computer use and children champions its advantages (1)(7). While it is true that computers can certainly supplement the learning process and aide children who have learning disabilities so that they are able to comprehend material that would otherwise prove challenging, they must be used in moderation (7). Jane Healy writes, “The way children use computers may have powerful long-term effects on their minds. The main reason, of course, is that using any medium affects the underlying neural circuitry that is being established during childhood and adolescence” (4). Before parents and educators become too excited about children using computers, the long-lasting neurological impacts must be taken into account.
(1) “Greenfield, Patricia M; Elisheva F. Gross; Robert E. Kraut; Kaveri Subrahmanyam.
“The Impact of Home Computer Use on Children’s Activities and
Development.” The Future of Children. Vol. 10.2 (2000): 123-144.
(2) Cordes, Colleen and Edward Miller. “Fool’s Gold: A Critical Look at Computers in
Childhood.” Alliance for Childhood.
(3) Neuroscience for Kids. Eric H. Chudler. 12 April 2007. University of Washington. <>
(4) Healy, Jane. Failure to Connect. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1998.
(5) Aratani, Lori. “Teens Can Multitask, But What Are Costs?” Washington Post, 26 February 2007. <
(6) Conte, Christopher. “How Access Benefits Our Children: Connecting Our Kids to the
World of Information.” Washington, D.C.: National Telecommunications and
Information Administration, 1999.
I understand that the basis of Serendip Studio is supposed to be anonymous in posting, but it is harder to give credit to a source without knowing the qualifications of the author. I am a writer and college student who is doing a doing a research paper on the sociological, psychological, and physical developmental effects of children spending time on technological devices. In order to properly cite information from any source, it is important to discuss the qualifications of the author, and just stating "in a post by Katherine" does not offer a lot to be said about either the source or myself who is taking important information from this post. I'm sure many readers would appreciate the knowledge of the author's credentials, even if they choose to stay anonymous in name.
Computer games ARE BAD! I
Computer games ARE BAD! I spent 4 years playing computer games 13-20h a day (I am talking about WoW). During this time I did not read books, did not draw, write, sing, dance, talk etc... I lost connection with real world. I did not have friends... PlayStation or Xbox are WAY better than PC, because they don't last that much. I still hate my real life comparing it to fantasy world of games, where you look perfect, you don't see garbage etc... but wait a moment... does it look like drug addiction? YES!
Now I am healed, but my husband had not, unfortunately. He can find 100 explanation to WHY he is not addicted and WHY he has to play anyways: he plays anything he can all free time he has (good news: he would not miss his job lol). He is so talented, but he does not develop any of his talents, because HE IS ADDICTED TO stupid computer.
All right, games can develop your reaction, but in real life you would develop better.
Internet is GREAT to obtain/collect information, talk to your friends on the distance, train your logic or create business online. But computer games ARE like a cage...
Now I am thinking... do we play computer games to forget about reality or just because it's a new kind of drug? So please, keep an eye on your kids... I know cases when kids would lie to parents and would play during the night, when they would kill themselves thinking that it is not real. I know cases when parents would send a child to the hospital because of addiction to the computer games, and I know many cases of divorces on the basis of computer addiction.
Computer usage for children/teens
As a retired teacher (six years middle school, ten years preschool, lots of one-on-one tutoring) I have long been concerned about computer usage for children. One of my main concerns has been the dot matrix format of monitors (and TVs and other digital devices.) It seems to me that the constant change of each pixel on these screens has to have some effect on the developing nuerological systems of youngsters, particularly on preschoolers.
I retired in 2011, and by that time I was very concerned about the behavioral issues confronting teachers in the average classroom. From the year 2000, there were at least three children in our preschool program with serious behavioral issues, and this in a program with 28 children total! Aside from the behavior issues, there were on the average about the same number (three more or less) of children with attention problems.
The incidence of children whose parents curtailed screen time was very low. I could see on a day-to-day basis that these children presented only the usual challenging behaviors of preschoolers. All of my "problem children" were allowed hours of screen time, some of them unlimited time. Most had had TVs in their bedrooms since infancy! And there were several of these youngsters who were permitted to have a TV on all night long.
Negative Effects of our Digitized World
Been in the classroom for 32 years and have seen it first hand! I am now telling my parents to PLEASE monitor and limit the time spent on the the digital media. From birth to 5 -7 years is a critical time for brain pattern development. I have seen the toddler toys filled with too much stimulation, whirling noises, etc. Get the quiet blocks out and let them have time to build and think! We, as a society, have let Technology be our babysitter! Informed parents do limit Technology and I can see the difference in the personalities of those children. 30 years ago, we had 1 child in a group of 24 who had learning difficulties.....Now, in a group of 18, it is one third of the class who have difficulties with reading, impulse control and empathy. One of my students recently threw out his breakfast to get to a computer first!!! What a shocker that was. At Open House, many of my parents were wondering why they had not heard about the negative effects on their child's brain development. We are raising a generation of kids who lack human compassion and interaction. We need to educate our parents!
i agree
by kate
Dear Ms/Mrs Katherine,
Thanks for the information . It helped me for my topic for a debate in school . it really is well-informed . although I am an intensive computer user,i took the opposition . Anyways thanks to help my try to gain 50 marks.
Yours faithfully,
Katherine Wilson.
I agree!
This post has helped me a lot, my son who is 7 years old seems to have an addiction to the computer, to the point where he will get very emotional and angry when he isn't allowed on it... His behaviour has become so bad that I just don't know what to do with him, and he has difficulties concentrating at school and finishing work he has started... I will now only let him use the computer for homework/research etc. And see if this has a positive impact, although I know it will be very hard on him to begin with, I just want the best for his future.
Effects of Computer
i strongly disagree that computer have bad effects on kids. when i was a kid i use to play video games 13 hours a day and nothing happened to me
nothing happened to me
I understand what you are saying when you state that "when i was a kid i use to play video games 13 hours a day and nothing happened to me," as I did the same as well. What I do not understand, and maybe I am just nit-picking, is your lack of effort in capitalizing letters in you forum post. Then again, I see that this post was submitted by "Rude Boy!" Lol!!! I guess the shoe fits. I usually do not respond to posts where one has not taken the chance to correct this simple error, but in this case I just had to. Not making fun of you or anything, but I am just pointing this out. The professional environment does not tolerate this.
As a preeteen/teen I spent most of my time on a computer chatting on chat lines and role playing. I did not have parents that monitored my computer. I did lots of things online through role play. the senarios where things a teen at the age of 14 probably shouldn't be acting out. I'm 25 now and I am noticing I am not exactly sure who I am as a person. I do see a therepist but I'd be interesting to find out more information about the damage this may have caused. Any suggestions on where to look?
questioning the longterm damaging effects of excessive computer
As a therapist of longstanding with vast experience working with clients who have sufferred symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,
I have observed many parallels between the symptoms you've described with those I've witnessed. First I would say that not every child seeks computer activity as a routine form of entertainment. I think it critical to ask what they remember of their first forays into this
type of activity and what it was about it that appealed to them; or what was it about its' absence that perhaps elicited feelings ofdiscomfort. I think if you start from this line of questioning, you will begin to regain your sense of who you are as a person. Still,
I would advise that you find a good therapist expert in the field of trauma, to guide you through this process.
Good Luck,
Julie Mendlowitz,LCSW
Children and computers
I do agree with those concerns. I am PhD. candidate at the Faculty of Pedagogy in Slovakia and I study the impact of computers on preschool children. Nowdays the computer is presented as an educational tool and its implementation into the kindergartens has started in our country two years ago.
I am interested in research and new information.
Best regards, Mirka Visnovska, Mgr.
Children and Computers
I was looking for my Project title and came across your comment on Children and Computers. My interest is to make all kids IT literate and for my BA project I am looking at impacts of computers on kids.
I am also interested in research and new information.
Kind regards,
Muiruri Florence.