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Une Douzane D'Oeufs

After humpty dumpty falls
Only eleven eggs left…
Onze is seasoned with his parsley
Sprig soft mustache.
Dix becomes scrambled.
I am the yoke and white he is
Whisking together so swiftly his fingers blur.
The result is thick custard.
Neuf and huit are covered with béchamel and tomato paste
The color of my nipples, sauce aurore.
A two tone stipple coat eggs sept et six
Teal overlays aquamarine, reflecting
His brilliant blue eyes.
Cinq is served sur les canapés he is
Baby cakes, burns eyelashes and all.
Just call me Emma.
Quatre requires a well-lubricated pan for
He plans to make an omelet of me.
Tongue tastes the fine pores of my skin
Deux and trois
They pair eggs and white wine
Copying Julia Child, why else
Would one drink champagne on cinco de mayo?
The ultimate egg in her lap
She cradles because it will taste better when
Cooked from room temperature
This ultimate pleasure.
Swallowing substantial nutrients
Gut absorbed, proteins are taken into my cells
I have digested my sin. It sits
Memory, making me into a dromedary
For my travels through the desert Elizabeth
Like a prayer I repeat her name
Lizzy, Elizabeth, girlfriend.
Your woman, me
An animal.
Who slept with you for a poem.
Can you say it three times fast?
Pacifist sociopath Pacifisociopath Pacfisociopa