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Gathering quotes for Tuesday's barometer

Anne Dalke's picture

As you read over your classmates' papers, pull out one sentence you would like to discuss further, and BY MONDAY @ 5, ADD IT HERE AS A COMMENT. I will draw from these in constructing the game of "barometer," which we will play in class on Tuesday. Thanks!



Shengjia-Ashley's picture

From Rochelle. W

"When it comes to solving ecological problems the best tool to have is the belief that one has the power to solve the problem."

Barbara's picture

From alex - locating one's own voice in writing

"Although most college essays will generally be written in the third person narrative, teaching students to locate their own voice at the high school level sets a foundation of understanding that will translate to college."

Hannah's picture

Also from Zoe's Paper:

"Each person needs to eventually become lost and search for who they really are."

Elizabeth's picture

Yet Another Quote from Zoe's Paper

College institutions to not permit students to get lost for a time because student’s studies would suffer and cause them to hurry to make up for lost time.

wanhong's picture

From mtran

mtran: Happiness in nature is gentle and consistent.

mbackus's picture

From Zoe's

" [Bryn Mawr] a place in which women can find themselves?"

Sarah Cunningham's picture

from CMJ

"It is impossible to distance oneself from nature in an attempt to be objective, because everyone and everything has a role to play in the theater of the world."

mtran's picture


"When it comes to solving ecological problems the best tool to have is the belief that one has the power to solve the problem."

CMJ's picture


"College institutions to not permit students to get lost for a time because student’s studies would suffer and causing students to hurry to make up for lost time."

Susan Anderson's picture

This is from Zoe's

This is from Zoe's paper:

Getting lost is necessary for self-reflection.

ZoeHlmn's picture

Are you in or out, Does it Matter?

Short and simple I would like to use Sara Lazarovsk quote: "If you do not want to be 'in nature' and think spending time in/with nature will not be beneficial for you or nature (i.e. your interest and care in the natural environment will not increase), then you are not obliged to do so."