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Final Project Proposals Due This Sunday @ 11

By 11 a.m. this Sunday, each project group* should post here a 1-paragraph proposal outlining your intentions for your final project.
This should include current plans and resources you've identified, as well as dilemmas and questions you'd like feedback on. Please sign the names of everyone in your group.
If you plan to conduct interviews, please include sample questions you intend to ask. You will also find attached here a sample consent form, to get you thinking about what you'll need to tell folks before interviewing them.
*Perry House project: we strongly encourage you to subdivide into two or three working groups, with each group submitting a proposal.
Attachment | Size |
SampleConsentForm.docx | 25.02 KB |
The Perry House group is
The Perry House group is interested in splitting up into two smaller working groups, while still
being part of the same larger cause. We all feel strongly that we need to be working in solidarity
and coordination with the larger Perry House Coalition, who are planning a number of different
events, strategies, and actions, and are having almost constant meetings. The first way we see
ourselves contributing to this larger coalition is by helping to research and document Perry
House’s history, and the broader history of students of color at Bryn Mawr. We’ll be using
primary documents, including college newspaper articles, Greenfield digital archives, Special
Collections materials, and the “Offerings to Athena” book. We see this aspect of our activism
as being a way to inform the college community about the historical importance of Perry House,
and the history of marginalization and discrimination of students of color at Bryn Mawr. The
second working group will be more focused on planning direct action, which again will be in
close coordination with the Perry House coalition. We see the first step of direct action to be
to try to continue to engage with college administrators and urge them to commit to reopening
Perry House. If we cannot get such a commitment, we want to begin to plan a large action that
will visually display the large community support for Perry House. Possible actions include a
sit-in (or teach-in), a rally, or a vigil. While the large direct action might occur next semester,
significant planning will need to begin this semester – both logistical planning and the rallying of
support among the larger Bryn Mawr community. In particular, more alumnae, faculty, and staff
need to be informed about what is going on with Perry House, and need to be brought into the
planning process. Both working groups will remain in close contact and will also periodically
shift our ideas and plans based on what the Perry House Coalition wants to focus on.
East Asian/Asian American Identities on BMC's Campus
Irene, Erin, and I are interested in exploring East Asian identity on campus. The east Asian presence on campus is undeniable, and their numbers and influence will only continue to grow. However, despite their visibility in the dining halls and statistics, we believe that East Asian women rarely speak about their experiences and perspectives on this campus and how their cultural heritage influences their lives. Our project is to give them the space and opportunity to do so and by extension, explore the variety, richness, and depth these women have to offer. The final product will then be a series of podcasts that will document/narrate/reflect what we find. We plan on compiling the raw data for these podcasts mainly through interviewing women of east Asian heritage on Bryn Mawr's campus. The interviewee pool will probably be mostly students, but we also hope to be interviewing faculty/staff who are of EA heritage and have graduated from Bryn Mawr along with staff who are closely affiliated/are in close contact with these students (i.e. Deans who deal with EA international students and the international office). What's more, we also hope to present a history of east Asian women on Bryn Mawr's campus, so that we can see how they have been a part of the Bryn Mawr's past and maybe have even affected what we are today.
We are also discussing the possibility of addressing Asian-American students as well. I think what interested me about this activism project but also scared me off was that I still have trouble understanding my identity on this campus. I identify as Asian-American but I don't fit this East Asian demographic that we usually think of when we think of Asians. I don't fit this model minority stereotype (which is somewhat complicated because I can't tell if this is a good or bad thing). Looking at other Asian student perspectives (such as the often overlooked Southeast Asian population) could help us expand our research and even strengthen and affirm the East Asian experiences shared on this campus. This particular topic was added last minute, and we're still deciding if we're going to stick with it, however, I do think that this could be a way to ensure that other groups don't feel excluded.
Video Proposal
Some potential interview questions are: “Can you tell us about a time when you didn’t feel comfortable in the learning environment of your classroom? Why do you think you felt this way?” “As a [white/black/latina/Asian] student, how have you felt the classroom to be geared towards your learning or not?” “In what ways have you felt at home or not at home on this campus?” These are just some ideas – we're working on more questions and also specific questions for people within our 360 compared with those outside of it.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know. Also, if we haven’t interviewed you and you’d like to talk to us, let us know. We can set up a time. Thanks so much!
-“Hummingbird” and Dan
Book donation proposal
Our goal for this project is to create a synthesis of both Julia and Hayley’s original ideas. In short, we will collect books and donate them to a local institution. In light of Julia’s original interests and with the high number of women in prison who deal with issues of sexual assault, we will also be seeking out books to donate which discuss this topic in an approachable, empowering way. Our collections will come from three sources: first, we hope the class may be willing to donate some of their copies of the texts used throughout this 360. Secondly, we will be contacting publishers and area/college libraries to solicit donations. We will attempt to approach publishers with specific ideas of which book(s) we would like donated. Julia has established contact with a small social justice inspired publishing group, Voice of Witness, that seems possibly willing to donate some books. From the libraries, we expect a more traditional variety of genres not necessarily related to social justice or assault which the incarcerated women can use for pleasure reading. Thirdly, we will be setting out boxes in both Haverford and Bryn Mawr’s campus bookstores soliciting donations from students who may not profit from selling back their books (during the end of semester book return/buy back). Our recent planning discussion has resulted in many uncertainties around the issue of providing books to prisoners including many ethical questions about who determines what books incarcerated women “should” be reading as well as the ever-present issue of literacy. We would like to be able to perhaps donate some books that we aren’t able to get donated (particularly the dictionary) and are considering ways to receive funding for that, whether through small donations (50 cents to 1 dollar) from our class or creating a wishlist of sorts through conversations with women in the institution that member of the bi-co can reference to buy a book if possible. We would also appreciate suggestions as to what institution we should donate. The two that we had been considering are the Cannery and RCF. Throughout this process, we will be working closely with Barb and her connections with the Philadelphia prison system to find the necessary answers and avenues to continue on and successfully complete our project.
-Hayley, Jacky, Julia and Chandrea