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Feingold Gallery: Crazy Community
Feingold Gallery:
Crazy Community

The design of this gallery is aimed at encouraging conversation involving both immediate and reflective thought, individual and collective. Rather than starting by reading comments of others, please first put your own immediate thoughts in the on-line forum below. This way, we'll all be able to see how much similarity and difference there is in our initial reactions and interpretations of the images. Then go back to see what others have said about this image and add whatever new thoughts you have as a result of that. More general thoughts about the collection of images and/or this exhibit as a whole are welcome in the on-line forum on the exhibit home page.
stupid genius elitists and their bullshit
You find out the truth they call you crazy they stick you in an asylum and force medication on you. Society's best kept secret.Sssshhh. i cant say too much, i speak from personal experience.they called my mother a schizophrenic fed her medicine made her decisions and murdered her. The truth is a liars game. Study that disability. O yea, you should see my paintings. They're a secret.
The artist embraces the
The artist embraces the belonging to others "just like us" that came before us and thankfulness for what we have in modern medicine to not live that way if possible. (That is what I see in the picture) It is a big wide picture into the reality of "us" .
The eyes in all the picures
The eyes in all the picures are covered showing a cover up for a bigger issue. The guy in the picture is hiding behind his own beliefs not opening up his eyes to view any others. Leaving his closed minded and hopeless for a better way.
A thin wall between being
I'm glad she is able to draw
I like to last stanza of the
Multiple selves
I wonder if the last
A sense of comfort in shared
"Its a very thin wall that
Society turning a blind eye
ok, i burst into tears with
There’s comfort found in
Crazy community comment
Wow!This picture speaks
Wow!This picture speaks directly to my soul. The poem. The pictures. Leave me in awe. I suffer from bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder and have been declared "disabled". I have not yet figured out why this is so moving but it instantly reached in a way that words or pictures alone could never be able.
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