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Education 225, Teaching and Learning Initiative

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What is the Teaching and Learning Initiative at Bryn Mawr College?

A case study of a campus initiative to build relationships and dialogues about teaching and learning among faculty, staff and students (

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Approach and Attitude: Ideas Behind Being an Impactful Mentor

Alison Crawford

This essay talks about ideas for improvement as a mentor using as example the Empowering Learners Partnerships.

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Finding Value in Uncertainty: What Happens When the Tutor Doesn't Know

Lauren Dickey

 The author discusses about her experience in one of the Teaching and Learning Partnerships at Bryn Mawr. A great example to show that a mentor can learn and teach even when he doesn't know the correct answer.


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Corrupting Rationality: Exposing Emotions in Our Language

 Margo Schall

This essay, which is written with emotion, talks about employing emotion in education - a step which needs to be done in order to improve teaching and learning. 

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TLI Through a Theoretical Lense

Laura Hummer

"This paper addresses the Teaching and Learning Initiative (TLI) and attempts to frame some of the underlying pedagogical themes imbedded in its work through theory." 
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The Ultimate Cross-Cultural Mentoring Partnership Challenge

by Grace Kung 

"In this section of the Handbook, I will explore the inner conflict student mentors may face when working with adult learners.  This chapter offers student mentors a suggested step-by-step guide for how to handle emotional struggles arising in a cross-cultural mentoring partnership." 

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On negotiating difference: When your goals and the learner’s goals collide

by Alexandra Martinez

The question in this essay is - when should a mentor try to push a learner to study more than he or she desires?


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Framing Differences, Systems, and Assumptions in the TLI

by Melinda Canter

This essay tackles outside issues that can challenge mentoring partnerships like TLI.


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