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Education 225, Mentorship

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Applying for Success

See video

Hallie Garrison

Empowering Learners


 As the subtitle of this essay says, "Can college students effectively navigate the intricacies of mentoring high-risk youth?


See video
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A Collaborative Outline for the Bi-Co Teaching Assistant (TA) Handbook

 Empowering Learners: Spring 2010

Field Group Project Part 4:

Sarah Choyke, Candace LaCrosse,

Linnea Segan, and Alexandra Funk


As the title suggests, this handbook is about teaching assistantship at Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges.


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Fostering Student Learning through Creativity

 Mary Encabo


This essay looks at the importance of creativity in the process of learning.

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Extra-Classroom Teachers As Role Models

Samantha Martinez

Children…are in need of role models, and take them from all areas that are close at hand, whether mass media, parents, or their teachers.

Daniel Rose


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The Worst-Case Scenario Handbook: Mentor's Edition

Sandra Gandarez and Julia Vance
The following chapter consists of excerpts from students working as mentors discussing issues they faced in their unique placements. A variety of solutions are considered through the lens of readings addressing the issues in a broader sense.
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Approach and Attitude: Ideas Behind Being an Impactful Mentor

Alison Crawford

This essay talks about ideas for improvement as a mentor using as example the Empowering Learners Partnerships.

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Corrupting Rationality: Exposing Emotions in Our Language

 Margo Schall

This essay, which is written with emotion, talks about employing emotion in education - a step which needs to be done in order to improve teaching and learning. 

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The Ultimate Cross-Cultural Mentoring Partnership Challenge

by Grace Kung 

"In this section of the Handbook, I will explore the inner conflict student mentors may face when working with adult learners.  This chapter offers student mentors a suggested step-by-step guide for how to handle emotional struggles arising in a cross-cultural mentoring partnership." 

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