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Notes for Day 25: What has changed?

Anne Dalke's picture

I. Course Evaluations

II. Sign ups for next week:
Tuesday's class cancelled for group conferences;
Final performances on Thursday

III. Review of checklist, final portfolio
By 12:30 p.m. Friday, December 18:
Final portfolio,
collaboratively written 6-pp curriculum design,
checklist & self-evaluation, all postings
and papers already written for the course,
and one revision.

Checklist and instructions for final portfolio
@ bottom of course homepage.

IV. Today: all groups present what they learned
from their surveys
AND how their projects have

changed as a result of them

remember Haidt re:  testing your own
presumptions through social engagement...?

also to think about (and come ready to report in
on, on Tuesday): how to locate this project


cf. also: Charles W. Eliot's pair of 1869 Atlantic Monthly
essays on "The New Education":
'He sympathized with modern parents who wanted a practical education to enable their sons to follow "busines or any other active calling." He wanted to educate students for careers in the "the workshops, factories, mines, forges, public works and counting rooms." Eliot expected little help from the older faculty. "To have been a schoolmaster or college professor thirty years only too often makes a man an unsafe witness in matters of education....There are flanges on his mental wheels which will only fit one gauge." The existing gauge, the classical schools and colleges, did not offer what was wanted. The new scientific schools that had sprung up since hte late 1840s...were at least moving in the right direction, towards "a system of education based chiefly upon the pure and applied sciences, the living European languages and mathematics, instead of upon Greek, Latin, and mathematics, as in the established college system."