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Class notes week 3

February 5, 2013
- learner is an active agent
effort and ability--->authority ----->merit and privilege --->conceded cultivation---->accomplishment or? natural growth
questions of structure
and freedom
What is missing from this?
- expectations/rituals (at home or at school)
- intrinsic/extrinsic
- different cultural logics
- is it black or white? literally?
- to much stress in saying why it is important
- came from different experiences of school and class
- Can we generalize by class? Lareau say it is
- all educative experiences but the payoff is different in our society
Other ideas from the Lareau
- how much does what a person wants matter?
- How free is someone to define his or her own route?
- How much does someone know what hey want?
- How are does opportunity condition desire? Different students have different experiences and how do those experiences shape what they want?
- How much is choice a function of privilege?
- Is it a privilege to not know what you want? be able to experiment? Is it important to be able to "not know" ?
- How do we define our tracts? How do we use language to define our experiences?
Believing Lareau
- she has different research team, more lenses
- have seen coincides of race and class in school
- mixed up poor and rich as white and black
Disbelieving Lareau
- cultural differences of "treating the family dog" (what if they don't have a dog)
- How families would interact with field workers
- fear of being wrong
- margin of error in being witnessed, it can't be completely "natural"
- ignores connection between class and race hierarchies
- ignores
- too black and white
- she went against caution that her research could be mis used
- can't identify with one or the other, both are involved in my life
- women analysis a boy? gender?
February 7th, 2013
Terms for vocabulary and idea development:
- cultural capitol -helps people be placed in "higher tracks", not explicitly taught in school,
- "private" and "public"
- emphasis on academic achievement
- favoritism
- expectation: who is "supposed" to succeed?
- potential capability
- gifted and talented
- Material realism: our ideologies are determined by "what you can put your hands on" and by your environment
- convenience-more challenging to do domestic work when our transportation, roads, etc are difficult to use
- "special"
- "entitled" "constrained"
- classes giving pride even if they shouldn't be in them?
- "gate-keeping"
- systems differ
- parental advocacy, parental networks:knowledge of what to say and what to do (competent mother)
- myth of meritocracy
- unearned advantage-----> dominance vs. unearned entitlement
- middle class parents desire to broaden their child's "work view" through activities comes from the perspective of white privilege
- knowing baroque from classical music at age nine makes you a better person, citizen and father
- the field workers have the responsibility to report physical abuse (when is it abuse and when is it punishment)