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Class Notes 1/31

Submitted by alesnick on Thu, 01/31/2013 - 11:33am
Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities
Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.
Narrative is determined not by a desire to narrate but by a desire to exchange. (Roland Barthes, S/Z)
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Notes from class
January 24th, 2013
Either/or ---- bianaries
Traditional vs. Progressive Education
autocratic democratic
harsh freedom of the group (games)
top-down free activity
transmission creativity
discipline growth change, dynamic
routine new
static experiential (keyed to home life,
old surrounding events)
prescribed individualistic
retrospective preparation
uniform (passive)
Why is this problematic:
-easy category comes with a value set that closes off or opens up
-does not work as a lens (hard to completely stay on one side)
Key Words:
Experience-contuning experience
control/self control
Experience does not occur in a vacuum it is influenced by many other factors "he does not only learn the things he is studying at that particular time" Experiences whether we know it or not prepare us for other experiences.
Can preparation help or hinder a student? Controlled or experienced by oneself?
How free can an individual be in assign value to an experience being mindful that we live in a social context?
who gets to decide what is a negative and positive experience? Can it be negotiated?
-quality of experience-associated with democracy?
How can an educator gather of students experiences?
Can you learn anything from anything?
interaction with parents and then interaction with teachers.
Delpit "Upon entering school the child from such a family may not understand the indirect statement of the teacher as a direct command"
Direct command vs. Indirect commands
Scale? We lose possibilities because we don't know how to scale…
support and control
tracking? vocational training?
control is always present
there are natural mechanisms of control
How do you get the most desirable type on control?
legitimate control
January 31st, 2013
How does schooling interact with a person's identity?
What did we learn from each other ?
-meritocracy= work hard ----> succeed = myth?
-but everyone is working hard…
-people who don't engage
-Is there another system?
-how being a minority affected white people's judgements of your work ethic? (positive or negative)
Questions and ideas after stories that relate to the readings?
What did you learn from each other?
*Meritocracy = work hard and succeed = myth.
Meritocracy is a myth because it is not simply ability and effort, social context and class differences also play a factor in regulating and ‘sorting’ students.
Creates a pyramid effect: Success can only be defined by one definition.