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Bumpy Pavement Series
Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities
Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.
Narrative is determined not by a desire to narrate but by a desire to exchange. (Roland Barthes, S/Z)
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A Random Walk
Play Chance in Life and the World for a new perspective on randomness and order.
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Begin Again
He loves me a little, a lot, passionately, madly, not
A la follie, pas du tout.
Iowa diary
Wild oxeye daisy
Semiotics is the doctrine of signs.
Semiosis is a love triangle: poet, man, poem.
My poems equal my memory.
Emotion minus what is memory?
I can not separate my writing from the man,
Now more character than man.
Dare: three-word haiku/ assignment: write the wildest/ poem: I love you
Sponge series to Postscript series to Bumpy Pavement series,
Present tense to past tense to future tense.
Memories become memes;
Fragments will regenerate from the rhizome.
Love, like evolution, is a rhizome-
Rhymes rose come home.
If macerated in vinegar, unripe berries will serve as caper
Berries, because happiness is a lox and bagel platter.
Leucanthemum vulgare
You can theme on vinegar!
Two cantos times one vignette…
One question mark three exclamation points
I mailed my application of love poems to the program,
Our caper
Or my love letter to the program
I received a postcard stating “application received at Iowa.”
Iowa guy;
Who loves me a little, a lot, passionately, madly, not.
Take Naked 2
first draft