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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities
Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.
Narrative is determined not by a desire to narrate but by a desire to exchange. (Roland Barthes, S/Z)
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A Glass Half Full?
I've noticed, recently, that people seem to enjoy agonizing over things that simply don't bear agonizing over. Why worry about something that has already passed? It serves no purpose to work yourself up about something that cannot, at that point, be changed, yet people seem to do it anyway. I know that I, myself, am actually one of these excessive worriers; I have a tendency to worry about nearly everything, it often doesn't matter if that worrying will actually serve any purpose, because I'll do it anyway. I also know that when I force myself not to think that way, and just let go of all the useless worries and grievances that can plague my mind, I tend to be much happier.
Is it possible that one of the keys to happiness is simply to let go of the past and live in the present, and not worry about the things that you cannot effect? Could the whole "Que sera, sera," the "what will be, will be," system be the answer to happier day to day lives? That's not to say that we should completely ignore the bad in the world; lessons should still be learned from mistakes, and some level of worry is useful, but that does not mean that it is necessary to be miserable over those mistakes and troubles. It serves no purpose to obsess over what you are missing. Does it not make sense to take what you need from the bad times in your life and move on, to work for what you want instead of crying over spilt milk? Does it not stand to reason that accepting the bad and looking forward to the good might make life more bearable? If this is the case (and maybe it's not) then I think it could very well be possible that Thassa is right; it is possible for everyone to be happy. Perhaps we just have to allow ourselves to look at the cup half full rather than half empty. I won't say this would be easy, but perhaps it's worth it, in the long run.