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6 days 46 min ago
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7 weeks 23 hours ago
but cant something that you are unconscious of affect someone else consciously? for example, there are times when ive started walking/driving somewhere and i get there without realizing how. at this time my walking/driving process was unconscious in the sense that i was unaware of what i was doing. but someone driving next to me might be affected by the song that was playing in my car, or someone who sees me on the street might think that i remind them of someone they know and that's an effect ive had on them too - but all the while i was in my blissfully unaware, unconscious state.
or what if we used a real example - i spend a lot of time in a half awake half asleep phase, in which you could have an entire conversation with me and i will not remember a word ive said because i am not awake and hence not conscious. im acting one hundred percent unconsciously, and in that state, the words i am saying are in no way controlled by me - and yet, they have a very direct effect on the people i am speaking to (who most of the time have come to wake me up). none of what i say is said with any purpose, or to get any emotional rise out of the people i am talking to.
isnt this agency, or lack thereof, unconscious agency? or, maybe we could rephrase it and say that it is unconscious behavior that appears to have agency because of the manner in which it effects those involved?