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World Wide Web

Since its creation by Tim Berners-Lee in the early 1990s, the World Wide Web has shaped the way our society works. This technology has enabled us to communicate in ways that were previously unimaginable. We no longer need to mail letters, as we can now easily send an email. Receiving mail is also becoming unnecessary, since something like bank statements can now be read on the Web. Other forms of communicating, like instant messaging and social networks have enabled us to form more connections with different people. Through the use of search engines like Google, we can search for information on a topic and find a relevant website in barely seconds. The technology of the Web has made all of these changes possible through its ability to expand communication among people all over the world.

The World Wide Web was originally created by Berners-Lee at CERN, with his goal to organize and have easy access to different files and data that were held on separate computers. As time goes on, there will be more and more available information that we will want to organize and understand. The Web has not only helped us to make connections among information, but it has also affected the way we understand information. With there being so much to read and learn about, it is impossible to take in every bit of information available. Instead, we have learned to hyper read, allowing us to scan as much data as we can while only picking up on the most important components.


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