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I too bought the book in

I too bought the book in ninth grade, after briefly discussing Darwin in my biology class, thinking that I would finish it and be able to tell people that I had read it. I could only get through a few pages and realized that it was not interesting and too hard. Looking back, I realize that not only was it hard for me to read because I was fourteen, but that I was trying to read it as a textbook. Though I do not necessarily think I can read the book as a romance, I have been reading it as a novel, curling up with it and reading it with true interest. I went into it sitting with a pencil ready to underline and take notes, but I couldn't do it. I had to sit and truly appreciate what I was the text. And as I read, I really began to see how Darwin's theory of evolution can so easily be tied into literature, and I became increasingly excited. I look forward to discussing these connections in class.


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