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Hillary G's picture

Well, if you really want to know...

(Here's the original comment:)

The last class we had was awesome--we sat exploring the possibilities of reality and dimensions, and whether anything is even real at all. We discussed metaphysics and perception and all of these concepts that I've always loved thinking about (hence my Psychology major).

But right now I'm having difficulty thinking about those things. I'm not going to lie, I'm very stressed out about some of my classes at the moment and the possibility that they aren't real makes ignoring my homework very tempting. Because what good would it do for any "productive" member of society to believe nothing was what it seemed? I have always been the first person to question reality, but now I wonder what good that really does. I can sit around thinking of all the metaphysical possibilities of my existence and whether or not anyone I know or anything I see is real, but then what do I have? More questions. It just keeps going in circles. Usually this topic fascinates me but lately, all I can think is that the more I doubt reality, the farther I am from getting anywhere I want to be.

Maybe I'm just tired and this all makes me sound absurd, but really though. I challenge you to ask yourself. At the end of the day, what does it really even matter?


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