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Julie G.'s picture

Brains, brains, brains

 Bzzzzt! That's the sound I think my neurons make down their axons before they "sshpsssh" into their synapses. "Chuuung, chuung, chuung" are my neurotransmitters as they bind to their receptors before another axon starts bzzztting again. So basically I think of my brain as this crazy machine with bzzzts! sshpssshs! and chuuungs! And the crazy thing is that all these sounds, these functions, they make me who I am; they are what I feel, see, taste, smell, hear, and think. And they're different from yours, because we're different: genetically, perinatally, and experientially. But I can change them, these neural functions of mine; I can help them learn new things. So I can influence who I am. I can think about how I want my thoughts to be different. I can self-condition. And that is incredible!


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