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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities
Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.
Narrative is determined not by a desire to narrate but by a desire to exchange. (Roland Barthes, S/Z)
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I'm feeling loopy...
I have been thinking about the story that Professor Grobstein told about watching a movie once and then again years later and the two experiences of the same event having different meanings. Immediately, I could think of a few events that I've had personally, such as reading books, where the passage of time and aggregation of experiences in the cognitive unconscious somehow changed my conscious (storyteller) recollection and interpretation of the same two events. I remember the second of the two times more fondly, but why?? How does that storyteller appeal to the conscious unconscious to trigger this change? Is it because the accumulation of experiences in my cognitive unconscious somehow bias my conscious' interpretation of future events? Is this as a result of the conflicts that arise between the the 1st and 2nd loops (Empirical knowledge generated by conflicts with outside world with New understandings generated by internal conflicts) and the opportunity for knowledge to accumulate and for critically thinking to occur? What about the 3rd loop (Interpersonal relations, society/culture, morality: new understandings generated by conflicts between brains)? This is where Prof. Grobstein telling the story of his memory of the scene in the movie affects my interpretation of the same scene and cause me to critically reflect on it, expanding my unconscious ability to recall these same experiences for the future. Apologies if this is stream of conscious (no pun intended), but I'm not sure that I precisely understand how the interactions between the loops affect how my ability to think critically changes with time (experiences).