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simonec's picture

i saw this nigerian poet

preform at haverford the other day.

his work goes against was is popular writing in Nigeria, and he admitted that very few people read his work. The question was then asked why he wrote, and for whom? What do you guys think is the purpose of writing that is not meant to be read? who is a writer usually writing for? how do our relationships to reading change based off of its INTENT to be read?


in response to eledford's hope that we find a way to find "boring" reading more engaging... what has made us feel like WE are at fault for not being able to engage with a text? if there is agreement that your bio text book is boring, why are we all subjected to trying to read it? is there truly not a more engaging way to present the information? who taught us that there was something wrong with (seemingly) most of us when we fall asleep reading social theory?


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