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mcurrie's picture

CPG's, Corollary Discharge, and the Eye

 Talking about the eye I felt frustrated, I understand the eye, I understand it is important that we get a lot of sensory input from the eye. When talking about the eye I wanted to connect what we had learned so far about corollary discharge and central pattern generators, refractory loops, etc. to understand how the signals from the eye were used with the other parts of the brain. As we kept talking about the brain making a picture, making deductions, is this because of corollary discharge or is it more through the I-function? How do central pattern generators fit into the information we have discussed about the eye? I figure we would have a CPG for blinking, but what else? Could you have a CPG for colors and the names that go with the color you see? I know that when a person asks about what colors I'm seeing I use the words that were told to me by my parents and teachers. Then when I was able to read I would look at the crayons and read what color the crayon was. Did I form a CPG or amount of neurons that I use day to day to figure what colors I am seeing, or was the CPG always in my brain that recognizes the signals from colors and I just added on names. Does this even make sense? Is it right? I know that behavior can be greatly influenced by the eye, by the sensory input, like when I see an object flying at my face I will try to protect my face by lifting my arm. There is a connection between the eye and a CPG of movement of my arm. I feel that I am ready to explore more of these connections with what we first discussed and how to connect what we discussed about the eye to then figure out behavior. I'm ready.


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