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ewippermann's picture

"Learning" CPGs

It's true that it takes a while for children to learn how to walk, but all children instinctively know to try to learn how to walk, which is even cooler. I think you're right speculating that breathing is learned faster (thankfully) because there are less muscle movements required to breathe than to walk, and I guess organisms evolved so that the CPG for breathing is immediately employed.

I don't know if you can create a CPG for piano, but I think all humans do have a CPG specifically for music--which explains why there is music in every known recorded human culture. Same with language and math capabilities. We need exposure to language to learn it, but we don't have to be taught: there are pathways already established that allow us to acquire language very easily within the developmental window for language acquisition.

So maybe CPGs can't be "learned" in the way we typically define learning, but for many CPG functions like learning music and language, we require experience and exposure to supply the information that will then be processed using the neuronal pathways established by the CPG.


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