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my answer to your question...

I appreciate the honesty with which you have expressed your thoughts. I will offer my own honest thoughts to your question below:

re: "If sex and sexual desire are a natural part of the human experience, why then is so much taboo, controversy and negativity attached to something that is so fundamental even to the survival of the human race (i.e. procreation)?"

True, procreation is indeed fundamental to the survival of the human race, and procreation necessarily involves sexual desire which leads to sex.

However, if you view humankind as existing on Earth for a deep, perhaps even spiritual purpose (I will not specifically define that purpose, since it will vary depending on the individual's religion, principles) and not for the purposes of maximizing pleasure, comfort, or enjoyment (at least not being mentally/physically bound by them), excessive sexual desire and sex can be viewed as destroying the purpose of humankind. My logic here may sound circular, but the key is how the individual (you) view what the purpose of your life is.

If you view the purpose as being to maximize enjoyment, to live and then to die knowing that you have had the most orgasms you can squeeze into your normal human lifespan, then OK, I suppose maximizing sex and sexual desire is the way to go. If indulging is the goal, then porn might even be seen as a good thing, since like others have mentioned, it is free, ubiquitous, and highly accessible. Then one might as well indulge like a caged rat tapping on the pedal for dosages of heroin.

But if you view the purpose as being to realize or reach a genuinely important personal goal (such as a spiritual goal), then anything that will be detrimental to your personal goal may not be worth depleting your time and energy (arguably one's most valuable resources, even more valuable than $$$), especially if it becomes addictive and saps you of energy and concentration that you may need to push forward in a meaningful endeavor that you have set out for yourself. For those spiritually inclined, there is also another danger of excessive sex/desire, which is transforming a decent human being into a selfish monster (and most might not even realize that they have negatively changed). Other posts have elaborated on this scary transformation of the addicted (both the admissions of men as well as the descriptions from women about their husbands or ex-husbands).

The question is, what are your own principles/convictions in life? Is it that anything "natural" or "fundamental to humankind's survival" is automatically OK or even beneficial, or do you have a different set of principles with a different goal in life?

Just my opinion.


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