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xhan's picture

options galore!

i think it was challenging for us to come up with an idea for the class that would not limit the number of genres, themes, or categories, but we also didn't want to be too broad, and include an assortment of different genres, themes, and categories.&#160; as mentioned above, our group agreed on following the theme of mystery.</p>
<p>however i am open to any other suggestions the class has for other themes and genres. in class we talked about parody, and one movie that comes to mind is pulp fiction. i think this idea of parody could work really with movies, because there seems to be alot of parodies of movies recently. also shows like snl, parodize celebrities, politicans, and others on a weekly basis. i think that if our class were interested we could look into the scripts of such shows and perhaps compare and contrast this "contemporary" genre to that of others


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