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xhan's picture


 It is interesting to me that you say "nothing I say has a purpose besides fulling a need I have to catalog my life", because i feel like when i write in my diary because i feel like my experiences, thoughts and ideas are important and meaningful, and jotting them down is a way of capturing, remembering, and sharing them. Perhaps Mcneil would turn her head in disgust since she finds them "too personal" and  "badly written".  Although I agree with her in that online blogging can never replace the role of traditional literary texts, I feel that the role of blogging is often an important and useful one. 

As you mentioned in your post, you find that oftentimes blogs contain information that you appreciate and applicable. I believe that blogging is a great tool for social networking. There is no better place to discuss and connect with all sorts of people(from different countries, backgrounds, time zones, etc) about subjects of interest such as literature, politics, entertainment news, etc. As our world becomes increasingly more technologically advanced, more and more people are beginning to communicate virtually. Blogging is a great opportunity for people to share ideas with one another without having to be in the same room. Like many information that is available online, information may not always be accurate, but since readers come into these situations knowing that blogs tend to be highly opinionated, readers read these blogs more for entertainment purposes( e.g. humor) as opposed to accuracy.


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