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Rhapsodica's picture


Hey, justouttheasylum--you were the person whose name I drew in class!

The first thing I thought of that I learned from you is, of course, the word "syllaship." Hehe! And then I thought a little bit more, and I realized that one thing I have really learned from you is not to be afraid of being honest and having a sense of humor, even when talking about such serious and difficult things, and to always take a step back and think about the questions we are engaging with apply to things we haven't necessarily questioned before.

One question I have for you would be whether you think you're going to view the rest of your academic experience as a science major differently than you would have if you hadn't taken this class, and if so, what in particular you think you've learned/are more aware of now that you weren't before. I would also have been curious, throughout the class, to hear even more about how your experiences in that discipline have been shaped by issues of gender and sexuality, because I feel like we left the sciences in the dust after the first few weeks, probably because so few of us were science majors.


Also, this is to EVERYONE:

Thanks for participating in this activity, even if you weren't able to say what you learned/ask your question in class! I'm not sure how on earth meredyd and I thought that we could fit the entire activity into just 15 minutes, but I'm glad we tried, and I think it would be great if you guys kept posting them even now that the class is over! :)


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