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Liberal Arts College


One of the reasons, in fact the only reason that I applied to Bryn Mawr was because it is a liberal arts college. Bryn Mawr’s curriculum gives someone who has varied interests a chance to study various seemingly unrelated subjects, while still being on some sort of an academic path (Bryn Mawr’s closed curriculum policy). The curriculum ensures that students have the ability to examine various subject matters without difficulty.
The following website talks about why a liberal arts curriculum is good for intellectual growth:
I was thrilled when I realize that the size of the student body at Bryn Mawr College was almost equal to that of my high school. This small size allows for close teacher and student interaction and a more intense intellectual growth than a large university setting.
These websites talks about the advantages of going to a small college for undergraduate studies:
This website gives a comprehensive overview of liberal arts colleges and their advantages and disadvantages:


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