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ktan's picture

Sometime last week, someone

Sometime last week, someone said that they were unsettled with the concept of human DNA "falling apart." I disagree--I actually find it pretty cool. Not the act of falling apart, but the phrasing of it. I (and I hope so does everyone else) know for a fact that we are all going to die eventually, so there is no point in wallowing in the idea, but I have never heard of the act of dying described as "the natural tendency of falling apart." I don't know of anybody who has had "death" explained to them in such a way. I find it kind of refreshing, that dying isn't this big mystical, incomprehensible concept, but rather just the improbable reverting back into the way it always has been.

What I find most intriguing is that this whole new way of "story telling" has really got me thinking about how oxymoronic life is--chaotic and random, yet orderly and purposeful at the same time. And as cheesy as this will sound, I am so amazed at how ridiculously lucky we are to be able to exist.


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