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kjmason's picture

In the now

 I definitely agree with what Felice said about coming out being a process. I liked his stories and I was obvious to me that he was an important influence of the gay movement. My only frustration was even though his stories were very interesting and I believe it is important to know from where we have come, I'm feeling a gap in what I need from this class. I really would like to meet someone on the forefront of some sort of activism right now. Someone working either for equality for open LGBT people in the workplace, someone advocating for gay marriage, etc. Felice talked a lot about threats to his life because of being openly gay that he has experienced, but the reality is that in many (especially pennsyltucky-type) towns that sort of threat is a daily thing for people and I find this much more pressing. It would be empowering to bring these topics more into the now, because then there would be a clearer picture of how people could become involved. I'm not saying the people we have talked to from other generations were of any less educational value or relevance to the class. I'm saying that they are not taking me and the class as a whole where I think it would be best for us to go. I know not everyone wants to be involved in activism, but I think a more modern take on anything is definitely more directly relatable to the students. I hope to go more in this with my final project.


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