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pete's farm

 I really enjoyed going to Pete's farm, walking around outside and off campus, and hearing what Pete had to say. Although some of his comments were a bit jarring ("You never know how those Mexicans will drive"), he was very honest and I enjoyed hearing him talk about something he enjoyed. I liked learning about how he farmed with the plastic. Something that stuck with me was how he talked about people complaining about eating veal doesn't make sense, because they are the same people who drink milk and a milking cow must have one baby a year to continue to produce milk. 

I was dissapointed when going to the farmstand, because it wasn't really a farmstand, but a small whole foods. I was hoping it would be smaller and just sell the things he grew on his land. I love farmstands like Pete's and go to them a lot in the fall with my family in Connecticut. However, after seeing the farm, and what vegetables he produced, it was very strange to see him selling mangos, obviously not a local fruit and not something that needs to be provided for convenience. I understand that the apples and dairy products are produced locally, and I'm curious to know if he sells some of his vegetables at other people's farmstands, like whoever grew the apples. 

I don't understand how it's ironic that other students used the bus to go on the acme run. Thats a scheduled trip that happens every Wednesday. Sorry if this sounds terrible, but I don't care if the bus we used might have been bad to the enviroment. We carpooled for a feild trip, which is better than us driving by ourselfs (not that we can, but still). Maybe the enviromental and financial cost could have been more evened out if more people came with us, but they didn't. Time and energy doesn't need to go into something that already happened. Maybe Professor Dalke and Brodfueher need to decide if the trip is worth it next year, but right now it happened and won't happen again this semester so it doesn't matter. 


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