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Stephanie Dubin's picture

Final Project

Bubbleolog: Second Grade

Lesson Review:

I. Materials

a.    Dish detergent

b.    Water

c.    Styrofoam plate

d.    Straw

e.    Medicin dropper

f.     Ruler

g.    Timer


Students were asked to close their eyes and write responses to prompts on a read aloud. Students broke into pairs and asked to share their responses.


Students were given instructions and asked to experiement with the materials to make the best bubble.


Students discussed their experiences withmaking bubbles and make a conclusion about what makes the best bubble.  


The lesson was very well prepared and easy to carry out. I plan to use this lesson with my students with a few moderations. To start with the younger grades will need more modeling. They need more modeling for the sake of time and my sanity. Older students would know how to measure and pour water, work the timer, measure the bubble ect. My students would be ableto figure out how to do it but it would take a lot longer and more accidents would occur, modeling would save a drastic amount of time.

            I would also have a lab sheet pre-made for them. To get the experiment rolling I would tell the students to measure the bubble with the ruler. I would allow them to determine how to measure it without popping it and ask them to discover on their own other ways to measure a bubble. The lab sheet will make the students feel more secure and I can use it for my data book.

            Something I would change about the lesson is to have students work in groups of three and rotate the jobs. In Joyce’s demonstration one person did the blowing and one person tracked the data. The children would all want a chance to participate in every part of the experiment.

To finish the lesson I would have my students graph the children’s results and discuss them as a group. I would also provide the students with a hard copy of the experiment with directions and materials so they could take a copy home to do with their family.

This lesson is easy to carry out, time controlled and promotes inquiry in the classroom. This is a perfect way to put inquiry to the test, while teaching students to work in groups.



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