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Kristin Jenkins's picture


I just wanted to say that, even though this class is more than over, the life of the discussions and material we have covered still lives on. I'm sure I speak for more than just myself when I say that summer is rarely a time that I even consider thinking about research topics. However, on more than one occassion in the past few months, I have caught myself thinking "Now that would make an interesting EvoLit paper...". Such epiphanies have occurred when I least expect them to, and I can only blame (or thank, rather) our "generative" class discussions. Along with these epiphanies, though, comes a moment of let down when I realize that our class is undoubtedly over, and no matter how much I beg my dean, she probably wont let me take the class over again. Luckily for me, such thoughts are useful for more than just class papers, and I realize too that this was most probably the point all along. I state now that my mind has been officially, and irreversibly, expanded, and I thank everyone involved in our semester for such a wonderful experience.



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