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If we could perceive the world the way it really is we would only see sub atomic particles spread-out in space-time. If we could perceive the world the way it really is, we would see through objects and human beings, and see all space-time in one fell swoop. Nothing actually moves through time. Einstein said motion is an illusion. The universe is not expanding. What changes is our conscious perspective as our consciousness moves through space-time.

Our consciousness is not a physical entity. It can't be measured or detected. There is no way we can prove it exists. There are no words to describe it. There is no physical evidence for its existence.
Nothing we experience when we hear, smell, taste and feel exists in our material universe. There may be objects, people and animals that exist in our universe. And they may be the source of our sensory input. But what our brains create with this sensory input is very different from the signals the signals that reach our sensory organs, and are very different from the reality that generated those signals.

Moreover, we only experience one 3-D spherical slice of the universe at a time. As we move further and further from the big bang, the size of that 3-D spherical slice (frustum) increases because the universe is a 4-D sphere. Perhaps it is infinitely more complex than that. But we observe it as a 4-D sphere. This is Einstein-Minkowski's eternal block universe taking our belief that the universe is expanding into account.

If we could see our fellow humans beings as they actually are as nothing more than protons, neutrons and electrons they would scare the sh*t out of us. We live in a virtual reality based on our sensory input. Nothing we experience is real itself, not even our perception of time.

We perceive time as something distinct from space when in reality there is no such thing as time and there is no such thing as space, there is only space-time. This is the reason physicists have such a hard time understanding quantum mechanics. Every measurement we take is a lie.

The wave-function can't collapse. It doesn't collapse even if it appears to us if it does. There is no such thing as "now," even though we perceive the universe as a succession of "nows" or "frames" of a movie. Every frame of a movie is a lie because every frame of a movie took place over a period of time. There is no such thing as an instantaneous photograph. The shutter of a camera must be open for a certain length of time to capture any image. Every particle in the universe is a world-line spread-out over all space-time. It may not be evenly spread-out through space time. It may have a greater density at some places than it has at others.

Physicists will never solve the paradoxes of quantum mechanics until they understand how our conscious observation of the universe distorts reality, distorts our observations, and misleads us with false results from our measurements.

We believe two entangled particles can exist very far away from each other. Einstein didn't believe at spooky action at a distance. Even though two particles my seem to us as though they are far apart, that is only because we can't see our 4-D universe. If we were able to see our 4-D universe, we would see entangled particles are not separated at all in our four-dimensional universe.

Imagine if most people on Earth could only see straight ahead. Imagine they couldn't look up or down. Now imagine there was a way to instantly tunnel through the Earth to reach any other place on the surface of the Earth. To the people with tunnel vision who could only look straight ahead, it would look like other people were disappearing and magically popping up all over the surface of the Earth without traveling through the intervening space. Imagine sub-atomic particles traveling through worm holes from one place in our universe to another place in our universe.

Likewise when we view quantum tunneling, we observe particles magically pass through, or tunnel through a solid wall or barrier without traveling though the wall/barrier or any of the intervening space. It just magically disappears from one-side of the wall and magically appears on the other side.

In reality, those particles tunnel through, or pass through a pathway in the forth dimension to get to the other side of the wall or barrier. Only we can't see or perceive that because it takes place in the fourth dimension. This is analogous to the poor, 2-D critters living on a piece of paper in Edwin Abbot's "Flatland" who can't see up or down.

These 2-D critters can't understand why if they travel far enough in one direction they come back to the point where they started. This is because the piece of paper they live on has been shaped into a cylinder with one edge of the paper joined to the opposing edge.

Imagine if our universe was only the surface of the planet Earth, and we could not look up to see the sky or look down to see the Earth. Now suppose we are stymied on journey because we have confronted a wall. Now, suppose we could see in three-dimension, we could dig a tunnel under the wall to get to other side. But to the rest of humanity who could not look up or down, it would appear as if we had disappeared from one side of the wall and magically appeared on the other side.

Our consciousness travels in space-time away from the Big Bang through ever larger concentric, space-time spheres of reality. This give the illusion of motion and change, when in reality there is no motion and the universe is unchanging.

We are all space-time travelers. Even if the matter of our bodies; even if the electrons, protons and neutrons of our body don't travel into the future, our conscious minds do travel into the future at a constant rate of speed in sync with our static universe.

Imagine if we traveled through a tunnel at a constant rate of speed and as we traveled through this tunnel, it started getting wider and taller. Would we say, the tunnel is expanding or inflating? Or should we say we have just moved to a different part of the tunnel.

"Don't think outside the box, think outside the tesseract and the hypersphere."


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