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OrganizedKhaos's picture

The idea of memory and the

The idea of memory and the I-function as a storyteller is very interesting. The idea that it functions as a way to "fill-in" the blanks brought a lot of ideas and helped to understand a lot.

I always thought that people viewed stories or events in different ways based upon their cultural influences and other factors but the I-function is part of the reason why I may see an event one way and someone else in another sense. For example two people may remember seeing a car and identify the model the same way but if the color is a vague recollection, the I-function will fill in that blank resulting in the observance or recollection of the same car but in two different colors?  I think this is interesting because often times my friends and Ihave argued about things like these andboth ended up with the wrong answer.

This is a very interesting topic that I think should be studied even more.


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