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amirbey's picture

A text linked to evolution

I don’t know if I can say that this book is evolutionary, but I clearly see that it is linked to evolution.  Indeed, at the beginning of this semester, we talked about Darwin’s theory of evolution and we saw that all actual humans have an ancestor in common and that we have to know our past in order to move on and keep on evolving.  I believe that this is what is happening in “The Sorrows of an American” since each character seem to be looking at their past in order to understand themselves better and hopefully then move on with their lives.  Erik for example is reading his father’s journal because he hopes to understand his own actions and thoughts better to know who he really is.  The only person how seems to be representing the future is Eggy, since she is young and has all her life in front of her.  However, after Eggy’s fall, her past might come to haunt her as she grows up…


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