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Pheromones and Female Leadership

Intra-species communication is ubiquitous and continuous among animals. While much of this communication can be witnessed, easily seen and heard, other forms are less overt and identifiable by the human eye or ear, for example. Pheromones are one example of such discrete forms of communication. Pheromones are chemical substances released by one animal that trigger hard-wired behaviors in other members of the same species. While the most abundant research has been done on the role of these subliminal signals among non-primate species, there have been some studies focusing on humans. Overall, such research has revealed that the potential exists for pheromones to strongly affect human behavior and desire specifically that involving sexual attraction. I, however, am most interested in the way that pheromones affect female-female interactions. I begin by examining female menstrual synchronization and go on to propose a possible link between fertility and leadership.
In most animal species, pheromone detection depends on the vomeronasal organ (VMO), a pair of mini-nostrils within the nasal cavity which perceive airborne pheromones and convey messages to the brain. Although the VMO is present in humans, it is unclear whether we posses the neuronal links necessary for pheromone information to be relayed to the brain. In other words, the debate continues as to whether in humans, the VMO is, like the appendix, a vestigial organ. Nonetheless, studies of human behavior indicate that pheromones are a real and pervasive form of communication between people. Apocrine glands, located in the underarm and pubic regions, are the main producers of pheromones. These glands develop in the embryo but become functional with the onset of puberty. (1, 2)
Martha McClintock’s 1971 study on female menstrual synchronization encouraged scientists to revisit the long-dismissed possibility of human pheromones. McClintock found that the menstrual cycles of women living together in a ventilated building, such as a college dormitory, gradually come to synchronize so that all women are on a single cycle, ovulating and menstruating in tandem. This initial study led McClintock to propose the possible existence of human pheromones. It was not until 1998 that she found evidence to support the idea that a chemical compound perceived through the olfactory system could account for the menstrual synchronization, now referred to as the “McClintock Effect,” that she saw twenty-seven years earlier. McClintock’s study involved placing odorless samples of other women’s sweat on the upper lip of female test subjects. She observed that the test subjects’ cycles either shortened or lengthened, depending on the donor’s cycle stage, in response to the exposure. Her study revealed that human axillary compounds regulate the biological rhythms of other humans. Still, scientists remained skeptical, criticizing McClintock for not isolating the specific chemical or pathway responsible for such an effect. (1)
Having spent the last four years in a female dormitory, I have personally witnessed the McClintock Effect. Still, it is unclear to me whether such synchrony is due to the averaging of disparate cycles (two cycles meeting in the middle), symmetric synchronization, or the conforming of one woman’s cycle to another, asymmetric synchronization. The latter situation requires a cycle-leader, i.e. a woman who sets the rhythm that the others will adopt. The question naturally arises as to what allows for such physiological leadership. Perhaps there is variation in pheromone strength and abundance, allowing some women to emit more powerful signals. (NB: I have not found any research definitively revealing whether pheromones are emitted continuously or in spurts and whether an individual’s pheromone production is constant throughout her post-pubescent life.) Maybe the brain only responds to the most salient pheromone and ignores the more subtle ones. Let’s say there’s a group of five women and that pheromone potency could be measured on a scale of one to five, five being the most intense. Odds are that at least one of these women is a five. If my hypothesis is correct, then the pheromones released by the women in the one to four range are ignored, becoming background odor not so different from white noise. As a result, the four other women would synchronize with number five’s cycle. On the other hand, I wonder if the cycle of a level four woman, though unable to influence the cycle of others, might be strong enough to avoid synchronization.
Perhaps the more interesting question is whether being a cycle-leader correlates with having other physical and even social attributes. For example, given that some women are more fertile than others, it seems reasonable to wonder whether these more fertile individuals are also the cycle-leaders. It hardly seems farfetched to think that fertility correlates with cycle strength which is governed by hormone production. Gynecologists often prescribe hormone supplements or oral contraceptives (pills containing a combination of estrogen and progesterone among other things) to women with hormone imbalances. Without these pills, such women menstruate extremely irregularly or not at all and are often unable to get pregnant, since amenorrhea typically correlates with a lack of ovulation, without which there is no egg to be fertilized. (It is rare but not impossible for a non-menstruating woman of fertile age to become pregnant.) If more regular and abundant hormone production causes a stronger cycle and increased fertility, then maybe cycle-leaders are the more fertile women.
In some cultures, both past and present, wealth and status are measured by number of offspring; the greater the number of children, the higher the social rank of the individual. While this manner of establishing social hierarchy may seem absurd in today’s society in which smaller families are largely the desired norm, it is not so outlandish. From an evolutionary standpoint, a human’s top priority should be reproduction in order to ensure the preservation of its genes in the population. Based on this rubric, the most fertile women are the most “successful” and deserve a higher status like that of leader.
Therefore, my next question is whether menstrual leaders, seemingly the most fertile women, are social leaders. In other words, women who elicit physiological dominance may also elicit social dominance. To put this question in the context of my earlier example, might “Woman Number Five” also be the group’s alpha-female, causing the other members to synchronize with her in ways other than menstrual cycle. Perhaps the other women mimic her style of dress and physical mannerisms, allow her to have the last word in every decision, or look to her for direction and motivation. In every social clique of which I have been a member, there has been at least one individual who sets the tone for the rest of the group. The degree of consciousness with which this leadership is acknowledged can vary greatly.
Social psychologists have studied leadership extensively, yet there still does not seem to be a conclusive answer as to why some people are better leaders than others or what it means to be a “natural leader,” if such even exists. Perhaps leadership among women could be partially explained by the existence of an alpha-female hormone. When this hypothetical compound is received and processed by other women, it becomes a nervous system input, the output of which is behavior demonstrating some sort of passivity or subordinance. On the other hand, it is also possible that a cycle-leader’s awareness, both conscious and unconscious, of her physiological dominance empowers her to act assertively. A final possibility is that leadership relates to hormone levels, and that higher hormone levels cause menstrual cycle-leadership and affect the brain in a manner that leads to a pattern of leadership behaviors.
If the cycle-leader phenomenon is real, it would be interesting to know whether it is genetically based and, if so, inheritable. For example, is a woman more likely to be a cycle-leader if her mother is? Given that fertility is often said to be heritable, it might make sense that cycle-leadership, which I hypothesize as being linked, like fertility, to hormone production, is as well. This idea of heritability sheds new light on families that are jokingly said to breed leaders. I also wonder how the cycle-leader phenomenon would apply to mothers and daughters. Would both of them have the same leadership status and therefore not produce any synching? Would the daughter be the leader because she is younger and more fertile?
This past February, a study was published in The Journal of Personality that demonstrates the reverse of what I propose: adolescents with leadership personalities show increased fertility in adulthood. The study associates leadership with status achievement, postulating that increased fertility is a means of selecting for the most successful members of the population. This finding is particularly interesting, given that socioeconomic status, the most overt measure of success in today’s society, is not associated with increased fertility. One apparent limitation of this study is the conception of “fertility,” which is simply based on the number of offspring. In contrast, I understand fertility to be a woman’s physical capacity, not mental desire, to produce children. For example, women with only one child may be highly fertile but simply opt to have a small family; Jokela et al, on the other hand, would classify such women as having a low level of fertility. What seems most likely is what the researchers propose at the end of their study: individuals who enjoy working with and leading others may be more inclined to have a higher number of offspring. (3)
In order to determine whether the thoughts presented here have any merit, much research needs to be done on the menstrual cycles, hormone levels, fertility, and social leadership of women. It would make sense to begin by establishing the existence of a menstrual leader and asymmetric synchronization. Next, scientists should investigate the other physiological qualities of these leaders, such as hormone levels and fertility. Then, it would be useful to examine female social cliques to see whether there are any parallels between menstrual and social behavior. Finally, it seems worthwhile to examine mothers and daughters and whether cycle-leadership may have some effect on what is known to be one of the most emotionally tenuous relationships.
Works Cited
1) Williams, Caroline. 2008 December 6. Are we wafting secret messages at each other from our armpits? Caroline Williams investigates. New Scientist. Accessed 2009 March 4.
2) Grammer, K, Fink B, Neave N. 2004 August 19. Human pheromones and sexual attraction. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology; 118 (2005): 135-142.
3) Jokela, M, Keltikangas-Jarvinen L. 2009 February. Adolescent leadership and adulthood fertility: revisiting the “Central theoretical problem of human sociobiology.” Journal of personality; 77 (1): 213-229.
Other Useful Sources
Benton, R, Asahina K. 2007 May 25. Smell and taste on a high. EMBO reports; 8 (7): 634-638.
Berglund, H, Lindstrom P, Savic I. 2006 May 23. Brain response to putative pheromones in lesbian women. PNAS; 103 (21): 8269-8274.
Martins, Y, Preti G, Crabtree C, Runyan T, Vainiu A, Wysocki C. 2005. Preference for human body odors is influenced by gender and sexual orientation. Psychological Science; 16 (9): 694-701.
Wade, N. 2005 May 10. For gay men, different scent of attraction. The New York Times. Available at: Accessed: 2009 March 4.
Alpha Scent and other females reaction
I agree. Before I started wearing perfume my female friends would get kinda intrigued by my smell. They seemed annoyed by it to oh how nice. 1 would say I smelled of Flowers and Fruit. I though my hair products but she would say No, it's your sweat. I was in the hospital and same friend was putting a sock in my hospital given belongings bag. She said Dang, even your dirty clothes smell good.
I to am an alpha cycle. Every close friend or roommate always synced with me. Some thought it was funny and some got mad. I had an upbringing where my self esteem was damaged so I never tried to be leader of a pack of girls and I was never a follower. I just did me.
As I got older and worked some females who I thought where prettier became very nasty toward me for no reason. Their behavior I would shrug off until I couldn't any longer and I guess that is when my Alpha would show because they would then act like a wounded animal. I am a too nice of a person worried about hurting people's feelings, until you pushed me to the point of no longer caring you awoke the Bear!!! Every time these girls would be in a bad situation they couldn't handle.
My question is do we let off a scent that pretty girls realize I'm a threat even though I don't care? I am not after their Man and they are not worth my time. Is there something that makes an Alpha Cycle known to other females and it makes them aggressive tword you when they think they are on top or want others to think they are?
I am 23 and have PCOS, but my
I am 23 and have PCOS, but my Mom always syncs up with my cycle (she starts a couple days after I do) when she visits and it drives her crazy. So I believe that "cycle leaders" exist. Though, my sister rarely syncs up with me and I never sync up with her, and we live together. So I don't know what that means. Perhaps personal relationships come into play. Im not close to my sister, but me and my mom are close, so maybe the comfort with each other being "pack" plays a small part in whether a sync happens.
Alpha Female
I believe that being an alpha female means you are one of the few, as beta females are one of the many and to tell the difference is the female who's periods always reset other women's period cycles who spend enough time around this female who's period never changes since the day she got her period the first time every 3 weeks and 3days on the clock (at least that is my cycle's time)! Without fail my period has remained every 3 weeks and 3 days and women who spend enough time around me end up cycling with mine. Im a alpha female and I can tell you the reactions I get from women are very extreme and from men lets say they are drawn to me. I also have an hour-glass shape which by percentage is few compared to the rectangle shape majority. My theory is if hour-glass shaped women are the Alpha Females of our world and to find that out would require finding the real hour-glass shaped women by measurements and asking if their cycles are consistent to exactly every 22 days or every 23 days or every 24 day without fail.
interesting theory
I will say this. I have an hourglass shape. My periods are anything but consistent. I have always been unregular unless on the pill. I've suffered from endometriosis my entire life. I even had it along with an ovary removed a couple of years back but everyones periods always conform to mine or get thrown off by mine. People with normal periods get thrown off a few days. One girl who hadnt had a period in 3 years had one after me staying there for a few days. My sister-in-law who has only ovulated a few times in her life and was on fertitity drugs to get pregnant with no luck, went off them and then managed to get pregnant twice and both times were right after spending a week with me. I was just there visiting and she said she got cramps a few days after i left, keep in mind she doesn't get periods and is on a long term birth control (also note this is the same trip the girl who hasn't had a period in 3 years got hers). Meanwhile my cycle is on day 44 of no period. I did spot barely 6 days ago but it is crazy how some of our horomones and cycles affect others.
Type A Cycle Setter?
Good Day!
I really enjoyed reading this study and have found that in every new living situation with roommates my cycle always conforms to the more aggressive girl of the group! I'm the type of personality that walks on eggshells around everyone so I tend to be a follower in group situations anyways. I've had this happen time and time again so I wonder if their chemical makeup results in giving on stronger pheromones that always override my cycle! I don't see this study as a myth because even now I'm experiencing it, yet again! I was panicking (I have PCOS and have to watch my cycles like a hawk and haven't missed a period in a year) and was afraid a tumor was forming, but then I remembered I just had a girl move in with me. Funny how chemicals work!
Birth Control Leading Periods
I have noticed that females who have chemically induced menstrual cycles tend to "lead" the menstrual cycles of women who are not on birth control. This is an observable variable that interferes with your theory.
My (almost) 15 year old daughter has had horrible periods for the past year or so. She always spends the first 48 hours of her cycle attached to a heating pad and taking ibuprofen every 6 hours in order to function. Last month, I had my nexplanon implant removed because it made my cycle so irregular and my emotions were out of control. I started the depo provera shot which stopped my cycle, and my daughter just had her first light, pain free period ever. I think my birth control gives her relief...hopefully, this continues.
Highly fertile
I am highly fertile. I come from a family of women who are as well. Women who are around me will synch up with my cycle. I am not a social leader however. In fact, most females don't like me at all. My friends consist of males and older women (post-menopause). A couple of exceptions 3 women who were friendly at first, but dropped me. All 3 of them couldn't get pregnant. Two had diagnosed PCOS, one had unknown reasons. Two were all informed by their doctor that they had very slim chances of getting pregnant. The third, the doctor was at a loss, though she had tried for ten years. After being around me for some time, 6 months to 1 year, they became pregnant. Once they conceived, they started ignoring me. The one year friend was the one that had tried for ten years.
phermones and scent
I am 29 and have considered myself to be an "alpha" female since puberty. Every woman I come in contact with for an extended period of time seems to synch to my cycle, and although I don't wear perfume one of the MOST common compliments I get from men is how good I smell. Weird, right?
I am 30 and I would consider
I am 30 and I would consider myself the "alpha" female. All women who stay at my house for a week or more, or that I stay in close contact with will either link up with mine or I have cause two women who had gone through menopause prior to meeting me then had their cycles by constantly being around me. One of my friends who lives out of state will not have her period for two months, stay with me and within a couple days get hers or the opposite is she has just had hers and then will have it again within two weeks, she is fairly normal without me around lol cycle wise
Synchronising to daughter
Similar to S. MacCallum, I am 40 and have previously been the female to whom others synch but shortly after my 14 year old began her periods, mine became heavier and synchronised to her. In this house, at least, the daughter of the 'leader' took over.
Alpha female
Interestingly, I have been post menapause for 5 years. I have also been working and studying causing my stress levels, sleep patterns, diet and exercise to be affected. Recently at work three of my female staff (all post men) came to work with a period as I did. Out of curiousity I asked a female who had spent the last 6 weeks in the workforce if she was in her cycle explaining the reason. She said yes. All the female staff are wondering who is the alpha female... My Dr looked at me with a blank expression when I told him the story and just sent me off to have an altrasound.
Irregular yet still the Alpha
I am 19 years old and have been living with two female roommates. One is 28 years old and the other is 25. I have been the cycle leader for a couple of months now since the 25 year old has moved in. (I cannot recall ever talking about each others cycles with the 28 year old before). The 28 year old also has a 6 year old son. This is a very interesting article but the part about being the most fertile confuses me as it is not true for me. Ever since I started my menstrual cycle (at 13 years old) I have had the most ridiculous cycle. I have skipped up to 7 months multiple times, only to have a horrible after effect of intense cramps and heavy bleeding. I have synced with others before, during a ski trip all three of the other girls I was sharing a room with had gotten their periods before the weekend had started. I had already missed 5 months at the time and started after we had got back from the trip. When I first started skipping months at 14 I had a lot of tests taken and the conclusion was that I am under weight and my body would not be able to support a baby. I was given ten pills to initiate my period. I believe my diagnoses was incorrect as I have skipped months at my heaviest weight. I am usually around 110, when I was taking the tests I was 98 pounds and have been close to 120 during some months I have skipped. If I am irregular, then how is it possible that I am the cycle-leader? Would it be my age? As I am a few years younger, but the 28 year old starts hers second? Does that order even matter though? Hell, going from skipping months to becoming an Alpha Female is a little odd. I wonder what the answer really is. Real interesting stuff, Human Body is incredible!
pheromones and female leadership
I am a 41 year old female and have always had a 28 day cycle -outwith pregnancies/breastfeeding- over the last 28 years.This despite dorm and flat-sharing for 4 years. However, when my 13 year old daughter started menstruating 4 months ago I was 14 days late & then went on to have a 40, 50 and then a 47 day cycle. I was concerned that I was entering the menopause, but my most recent cycle was only 22 days long & has brought me almost perfectly into line with my daughter's menstrual clycle. I find this just amazing especially as I have never adjusted to anyone else before.
I am an Alpha Female or hormonal leader. I lived in close proximity with other females in dormitories throughout boarding school and college for a total of six years without my cycle ever once shifting by even a day. I ovulate on the exact same day every cycle and bleed on the exact same day every cycle. Calendars could have been created around my cycle, which happens to be 34 days long (with ovulation on the 17th day). I do not know how many females' cycles altered to be like mine, but never once has mine adjusted to someone else's. Amazingly enough, when I am ovulating, it is not uncommon for men to follow me around stores, even WITHOUT visual contact, and like the most recent post-er before me, I have also had friends/lovers make comments about my smell (not necessarily that it is potent, but that it is highly appealing). Unlike the previous post-er, though I have my share of courtship, I tend to experience more than my share of competition ... from both women and men. Fascinating stuff.
I will go one step further
I live this, every day, and so I understand that it absolutely has everything to do with a VMO that is NOT vestigial. Just because we haven't the ability to study it much less understand how it works (other than through conjecture) doesn't mean it isn't a verifiable phenomenon.
I am one of these "Alpha Females" who has the unfortunate ability to regulate unpredictable cycles through spending no more than a day or two around a woman. Something about my levels has even caused post menopausal women to cycle again. Men, and women for that matter, are constantly trying to court me, even though there is nothing particularly outstanding about me.
One thing they all have had in common, though, is the consensus that there is something about the way I smell, almost like a siren's song. I wonder if research could be done (such as testing daily for, say, a two or three month period) with infared and other sensors, what my levels are in comparison to the average female, and perhaps nerve sensors on other stimuli, such as another person, male or famale, and their reactions.
I would be all about inventing a spray that masks this effect, lol ;-) Six marriage proposals in a year is a bit much, don't you think?
I tend to sync with other women. My 12 year old daughter and I started sharing a room after moving the first week of August. I have been working from home and don't have any other proximal interaction with other women in our new town. My daughter is in school, but different classrooms and classmates every hour. We spend a ton of time together and are very very close. We actually started our periods not only on the same day this week, but we both started within five minutes of each other in the afternoon when she arrived home from school. It will be interesting to see what happens next month!
menstrual "leaders"?