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Jessica Wurtz's picture

experience and the I-function

Molly's post made me think of a conversation I had with my friend the other day about children. My friend wants lots of children and I don't want any at all. She asked me if I grew up in an environment with lots of little kids around, and I said no. She said she had and that she thought that might have something to do with it. While this may be true for her, it might affect other people the opposite way. Maybe someone who was brought up with lots of little kids around would get sick of it and definitely not want any kids of their own later in life. So while it seems experience could play a huge role in the way your I-function works, its interesting that the same experience does not always produce the same effect, which I suppose could be where the biology of the I-function comes in. But still, it seems almost depressing to think that its all reduced to biology. I don't even know if I believe in a soul-like element to humans, but it doesn't sit well with me that our differences are boiled down to biology. But maybe thats the way it should be, that way everything can be boiled down to solid facts. I just don't think we can get to that very boiled down state right now with our technology. I guess we are resigned to wonder for the time being.


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