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Aditya's picture


Variability is an innate function of the nervous system....right?..right.

And not only that, as the frog showed us, this variability is independent of the "I" function. The only thing our "I" function can do is put us in situations that illuminate the variability of our "I" function. For example, the prof mentioned Michael Jordan scoring a point without even really knowing how he had done it. MJ's I function decision of choosing to practice and play basketball put him in that situation so that the fans could watch the variability of his nervous system. so what?..

Put me in the same situation, and I most probably wouldn't be able to score a point or even get a chance to shoot the ball. These differences in the variabilities in the nervous system made me think about destiny.

We are all born with certain differences, differences in height, differences in metabolism, skin color, central pattern generators like those that govern our movements and body language, different levels of natural attractiveness, and most relevant different levels and types of variabilities of our nervous systems. Our I-function can put us in situations where our variabilities are most advantageous to our life, such as MJ where he was earning a lot of money and being adored by many due to his nervous system.

These differences are the cards that we were dealt, which in essense is how we are predestined, and our I-function is how we play these cards.


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