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Week 9

Must writing or artin general be representational? The simple answer is yes.  Theactual definition of being nonrepresentational is “not resembling or portraying anyobject in physical nature”.  It isobvious that writing that is just describing or artwork that is trying tocapture what the artist sees is representational.  But when people write about or draw things that don’t andcan’t exist the question is, do they represent something?  Even if an artist creates something thatis nothing like reality, everything that artist imagines is based in thereality that the artist perceives. So even if it is not a conscious effort, their seemingly brand newcreation is just based off one or a combination of things the have seen.  I don’t see how one could think it waspossible to come up with any vision of something not based in reality.  The brain picks up input from all ofthe senses and that representational information is then decoded, therefore anythought comes from what is based in reality.


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