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About Whitman

While reading the Leaves of Grass, I found the moment very pleasant and I felt very relaxed.  I was thinking about nature itself, and I was freed from my room into a natural environment.  Whitman’s writing seems to be playful but I feel that he has an important thing to tell us though his writing.  I believe that he is asking us to go experience the world itself and not life in society which is an artificial concept created by men to live with each other.  I also think that Whitman is not necessarily asking us to stop being in the society, but maybe he is showing us a new approach of interpreting the world and its beauties around us.  Indeed, Whitman may be giving us another option to choose from our ways of seeing the world and we can decide to take it into account or not.  So, I believe that he is following the art that Sontag is describing.  He is trying not to be original in his writing, that way we do not need to find some interpretations and we can let his poetry take over us and show us something completely new.


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