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Reactions-Week 2

There were several things that struck me while reading Origin of Species and also while we discussed it in class.

 The first thing that really stuck out to me while reading it was how the book is an example of a work in progress.  Every chapter Darwin talks about what he is going to add and what further research needs to be done. While most scientific texts are viewed as complete, The Origin ofSpecies is distinctly a work in progress. 

The next thing that really caught my attention was the amount of references to observations that are completely explained by genetics.  It amazes me that Darwin had so much insight he was describing complex genetics years before they were actually proven. Darwin talks about what would now be known as sex-linked traits and linked traits, all of which can be described at a molecular biological level.  That aspect of the book, Darwin being able to deduce information about genetics long before it was even thought of, really made the book much more interesting to me.  I felt like I was guessing what biological concept Darwin was alluding to.

One of the discussions in class also sparked my interest.  When we discussed the purpose of education and whether or not it was used to expose people to stories or try to get children to believe certain stories in order to serve a purpose, I had a series of thoughts.  The reason there is a controversy about evolution is becauseit is in conflict with other widely believed stories.  But the problem with deciding what to teach in schools is much more vast than evolution versus creationism or the other few widely discussed stories of existence.  Going along with the idea of loopy science, there are an infinite number of stories.  Schools are making a decision about what they expose to their students.  It would be impossible to expose them to every possible story, because there is an infinite number.  Because of this, schools are in a way using the curriculum to teach children certain stories, nudging them to believe whatever they have deemed the best. A selection has to be made and what stories are told to children in schools really can affect society.


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