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Storyteller 1, Storyteller 2

There is a story teller in my brain; actually I think there are two.  I am familiar with the bipartite brain and that the neocortex is telling stories to the rest of my brain.  This other part, the rest, is interpreting my surroundings but doesn’t have a story to go with them, the neocortex then steps in and helps to make up a story and associations and fill in the blanks.  Okay 1 storyteller, so where is the second?  All this story telling is going out with out me knowing it, sometimes, okay most of the time, my brain is making associations based on the story the neocortex is telling me.  Yet part of me is me and part of me makes up stories and I know about it, the I function.  I really find this fascinating and curious.  How these two story tellers work together how do they decided who does what or are they really the same…just different parts of the same story teller?  I am also curious about whether we will get to the I function, I believe in it but we are ending the end of the semester and we really haven’t talked about it!


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